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Ali’s Weekly Reading: April 24-30, 2017

motivational-1314518_1920Hi, my friends!  I am excited to be moving towards the new week ahead.  Every week when I begin this process I have great anticipation for what the week may bring.  This week I am very pleased with the energy that lies in store for us.  Why? You ask?  Simply because it’s time to flip things around.

It’s been an emotional few weeks.  Some of you may have felt easily excitable at times or simply drained.  That had a lot to do with the energy patterns and how they were playing out in each of you.  However, this week we are going to shake it up a bit.  The energies that are all around us are happy, fruitful energies that spur excitement and happiness all around us.

Hopefully, some of you have been practicing being present in the moment because this week is all about that.  Universal energies are being spun to increase enjoyable, happy moments all around you that extend to friends.  This week has everything to do with going out there and mingling, being extra social.  All of your extra efforts are being recognized this week, my friends.

The universe is listening and is rewarding with special gifts for your soul.  You will find yourself more emotionally balanced.  The energy that is flowing among you is sweet, loving, full of laughter and happiness.  The main purpose is to help you to continue to develop a better understanding of life and all it has in store for you.  The winds of change are brewing in a more positive direction bringing with it joy and good fortune.


This week is a fantastic week to move to into a leadership role in your life and proceed with bouts of motivation that lead you down the path of your personal journey.  It is also a week that is particularly filled with energy that brings about new romantic relationships.  This path of living life in the moment, going out there and making things happen, loving life and living it up is going to assist you in continuing to grow spiritually, personally, and materially. The week will give you a more positive outlook towards your life in general and help you ground yourself in your path shifting out negative energies that were once there.  The week’s energy is highly spiritual in nature.  Light a yellow candle with your intentions, spray sweet smelling perfume in your space, soak in a sweet honey bath, and smile where ever you go because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

The main crystals that rule this week are Amethyst, Carnelian, and HematiteAmethyst is a very spiritual crystal that will promote a deeper meditation enhancing your intuition and giving you more insight.  Carnelian is a crystal that is known for its ability to attract prosperity, and bring about happiness.  It helps promote financial stability in times of difficulty.  Hematite is known to be grounding stone that protects and stabilizes your aura from negative attacks. Definitely use Amethyst in your meditations this week.  It will help to create a more profound connection to spiritual energy that will be useful to you this week.


Wishing you a wonderful week.

Love & Light,




