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Monthly Rhythm: Aligning Ourselves with the Future

A lot of change has taken place in our lives due to the lingering pandemic—changes in ourselves, in the uncertainty of who we are, and in the things that we love to do. As we continue to adjust, some of us are finding that we’re not as willing to compromise ourselves in ways we did in the past. As our spirits call on us to evolve, we should seek inner alignment so we can prepare ourselves to jump on the opportunities that await on the horizon.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with all this change, don’t be afraid. Stay focused and realize that your emotional state is simply preparing you for what lies ahead. Release anything that no longer serves any real purpose in your life. Visualize yourself living in the “now” and see the new life you want to create. It is through the heart that we can best visualize a new us. Change inspired by the truth within is the easiest to manifest. Listen to your intuition, follow your heart, and align yourself with your true-life purpose.

This is a magical time. Allow your creativity to guide you to a reconciliation of who you are now and who you want to be. This may alter your beliefs and change how you express yourself. It may bring about big personal life changes, perhaps even instigate a career change. Be open for hidden talents and new abilities to emerge. The illusion of the past no longer limits us.

Stay focused on your vision of the new you this month. Changes will come easily. Fate responds in direct proportion to the love and focus that we give to envisioning our future and reciprocates by manifesting with that same love. Don’t let your self-esteem get tarnished by a sense of unworthiness. You are worthy!

The courage to manifest all that we desire is available by accepting it with the knowledge that it never leaves us. Courage is a choice. If insecurity shows up, stop, and work through it. When we release the past, the future has no limitations. Let’s work together to create harmony in this productive time by taking advantage of its many opportunities and align ourselves with the future.

