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Abundance Is a Choice

How abundant do you feel during your day? Are you feeling your innate power of making choices from a place of freedom and abundance? Or instead, are you feeling powerless most of your day?

The concept of abundance does not refer to the amount of money you are creating in and of itself as some people believe. Abundance is more about what you are being able to be-do-have with the money you are creating. Is your current lifestyle truly reflecting your highest emotions? Or, is your current lifestyle based upon what you can afford? That is the difference between living in abundance or scarcity.

Everyone is creating money at some level. Everyone is fulfilling their needs to the best of their abilities. However, some people are feeling more satisfied with the quality of their lives, than others. Then, the real relevant question would be: are you enjoying the LIFE you are creating with the MONEY you are creating?

Enjoying your time is the indicator that your vibration is in the right direction. Whether you create your money through a job, a business, or any other mean, the amount of joy during your day is what determines if you are creating from a place of abundance, or from a place of lack. Creating from abundance means that no matter what the circumstances are, your heart is full of joy and your mind is free of choosing how to respond. You interact easily with people, you can smile effortlessly, nothing seems to bother your peace of mind because you hold a feeling of well-being during most of your day. Your high vibration allows you to anticipate the best ways of solving whatever contrast you have created.

However, not everybody is ready to value JOY. Most people have forgotten that abundance comes from the conscious choice of joy. Blinded by the belief that money comes from bondage, most people spend most of their days caged in their minds pretending to be successful at their jobs, although feeling the sensations of an empty life at the end of the day. Unbalanced. Creating and re-creating the feeling of powerlessness, and choosing to perpetuate the experience of lack without even knowing it.

Most people are making choices without being conscious about what they’re choosing.  However, some of us are choosing abundance and experiencing the pleasure of consciously preferring joy. It all starts with yourself, by making a new habit (or thought) of choosing yourself, and acting from a place of knowing what excites you the most. Knowing yourself is the path to enlightenment.

Joy is the path to abundance. Follow your joy and your money will follow. Only those who decide to make the choice of abundance are experiencing the true freedom of consciously making choices. Decide today to make as many choices as you can. That is true abundance.


