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Monthly Rhythm: A Yo-yo of a Month

We’ve all heard it: “Everything happens for a reason.”

But when the going gets tough that’s not much of consolation and we tend to cling to our paradigms of how things should be—or rather, how we want them to be.

Like any month, this month will not be without its emotional ups and downs. At times you may feel like a yo-yo on a string, wound up, released, and wound up again.

With all its volatile ups and downs, the opposing forces of this month could leave us feeling like we’ve been emotionally hijacked. But this month doesn’t have to be negative. Like being caught in a storm, coping with the ups and downs of life can be frightening. But although the storm may rage, there is always something learned and there is a calm after the storm.

Instead of getting wound up, see this month as an opportunity to practice accepting whatever circumstances life brings, to learn to be more flexible and patient, and to flow smoothly with the changes.

Think of the push and pull of this yo-yo month as a vehicle for experiencing deeper awareness and gaining new perspectives. Let your heightened consciousness guide you to change directions when a current path isn’t working.

This is a time to be creative and let curiosity lead us to new solutions, to look within to find new strengths, and let those strengths bloom in our lives.

