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A Taste of Dowsing – Part II

(CLICK HERE to read “A Taste of Dowsing – Part I”)


Dowsing is an extremely useful life skill to master, and correct answers to questions are vital to dowsers or there is really no point in using this skill. 

I would like to recap on the importance of dowsing ethics and protection.  You must protect yourself before dowsing to ensure you are protected from any negative energies. You should also ALWAYS follow the correct dowsing ethics.  E.g. you should ask permission to use whatever dowsing tool you have chosen to use before you can use it.  If you get a ‘no’ then do not dowse and try again another time.

For more information on how to protect yourself, the ethics of dowsing, and how to place yourself in a dowsing state, please refer to the free information on my website

Most people are fortunate to be gifted with all five senses, sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch, but dowsing uses our sixth sense by tuning into our intuitive abilities in a focussed way.

Whether you are a beginner or a master dowser, accuracy can be a big challenge.  Like any skill or talent, the more you practice the better you will become, it just takes time and dedication.  By learning to dowse proficiently you will sharpen your intuitive dowsing abilities allowing you to collect valuable information to make important decisions or choices in your career, health, finances, relationships, and life in general.


It is so important to be aware of the accuracy of the questions you are asking.  A good dowsing question is normally long and detailed.  Make sure you write it down so you can review it and tweak it if necessary.  This will make it easier to remember when reading it out. 

Example 1

If you have lost your key, you can dowse to try and find its location.  If you ask the question “Is my key in this house?” It is more likely that you will get an incorrect answer because if your house is like my house, we have lots of different keys, so you need to be more specific.  Is it a car key, front door key, back door key, or safe key?  If it is a car key, is it for your car, your partner’s car, or someone else who lives with you?  Is the door key for your house or your friend’s house, or maybe it is for your family member or a neighbor?  There are so many different scenarios to consider when asking one question.  Being precise is key!

Once you have decided on an accurate description of the item you are searching for, you can try and find its whereabouts.

You can ask…

Is _______ (insert item) in this house? 

Is _______ (insert item) on the ground floor? 

Is _______ (insert item) on the second floor?

Is _______ (insert item) somewhere in this room?

And the list can go on…  You can continue asking questions narrowing the location down slowly until you find the location of your key or item.  It is such a great feeling once you have mastered how to do this.

Example 2

If you have applied for a new job you could dowse to see if you will be successful in your application.  This scenario can be adapted to so many different circumstances, here are a couple of examples, loan application, house purchase, auction, or even a lottery win. When asking any question, you must be specific with the time scale.  If you ask will I get a new job, then you are likely to receive a ‘yes’ answer, this is because in your lifetime it is highly probable that you will get a new job at some point. 

You can ask…

Will I be successful in my job application for a ________ (insert job title) this week?

Will I be successful in my job application for a ________ (insert job title) in October 2020?   

As a master dowser before submitting my application, I would have asked if this was the right job for me to apply for, but please don’t make any important life or health decisions using dowsing until you are confident in your ability and your answers.  While you are learning, you should use dowsing as a ‘bit of fun’ and enjoy experimenting with your questions and answers.  It really is amazing!


The secret to good dowsing is not only asking the right questions, it is also ensuring you are detached from the answer.  We have been programmed to mistrust the answers we receive using our intuition; we should now let that go and detach ourselves from this old belief.  We need to put ourselves in a dowsing state and not second guess what the answer will be.  The secret is not to care what the answer to the question is and if you are able to ask the question with an inquisitive mind, then you have hopefully succeeded in becoming detached. 

If you are able to put yourself in a dowsing state, ask the right question without being attached to the outcome, then with lots of practice and patience you will become an accurate dowser and your intuition will develop. 

I hope I have given you a brief understanding of how important it is to be detached, ask the right dowsing questions, and to be precise in the way you ask them.  Next month I will explain the different ways you can obtain answers to your questions using dowsing & charts.


