People often come to be with the same frustration: “I know I am doing amazing things with my spiritual gifts, but I wish I could expand my reach, and help more people!”. I totally understand! We are trying to shift consciousness on this planet. To do that, we need to help as many people as we can! Let me tell you though, no amount of content you put out, or money you spend on advertising is going to help you the way you want! It’s much deeper than that!
No matter how much effort you put into your business, if you are not connecting with your tribe on a spiritual level, you are not going to attract the clients you are looking for. I am a firm believer that the souls we connect with today in this dimension, are the same souls we have connected with across time and space. They are out there looking for you, and it is up to you to find and connect with those people.
There is no easy solution to this task. We spend weeks in Bootcamp learning how to identify and connect with your tribe. I can tell you though, once you identify your tribe, and you know the problems those people wake up every day needing solved, your tribe will find you.
If you are looking to start your own Spiritual Business, or find yourself stuck in a lull with your current business, it might be time to find a mentor to help. Check out my free Masterclass webinar at to see if I am the right person to help you follow your true path!