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Are You Ready for Spiritual Leadership?

Every spiritual teaching I’ve studied has a clearly defined path to leadership. Formal study for several years, mentorship under an experienced leader, a practicum to try out your new skills before you fly out of the nest. A rigorous journey, as it should be.

Other than certain predefined steps, how do you truly know when you’re ready for spiritual leadership?

Is there an official bestowal? A moment of insight or an inner knowing?

How will you know, if you study more than one teaching? If you mix and match, so to speak?

In my own experience, becoming a spiritual leader depends on your commitment to the following:

Deep, daily inner reflection, otherwise known as ‘doing your own work’ or ‘walking the talk.’

Continuous study, not only of spiritual texts but also being an avid observer of the world around you, noticing synchronicities, patterns, listening to your intuition, honoring both the strengths and the fragility of the human condition.

Constant awareness of when you’re in a mindset of separation and when you’re connected with Oneness, with Greater Consciousness.

Cultivating the stillness within, as often as possible through meditation, alone time, connection with our earthly mother, dance and flow.

Elevating above the drama, over and over as many times as it takes to cultivate the habit of a higher vibration.

Holding others in their own power without a need to fix or rescue them. Knowing that we each need our challenges in order to learn

Accepting that spiritual leadership brings responsibility— your words, your actions, your decisions will now be on display for all to see. This doesn’t mean you have to strive for perfection; actually, role-modeling vulnerability is your greatest strength.

Stretching your capacity for visibility as you become more public. Will you allow yourself, your whole self to be fully witnessed?

Aligning the soul and ego, each in their rightful place, working in partnership. Inviting your soul to be the navigator and your ego to be the implementer.

A sense of joy that you chose to come here for this purpose, retaining a childlike sense of wonder, curiosity, and delight.

Stepping courageously into your personal power while also balancing the energy of humility.

Realizing the more you study, the less you know. Keep questioning, always.

Standing strongly in your authenticity, even when others do not understand or accept your path.

I remember the day I accepted the mantle of spiritual leadership. There was no ceremony, fanfare or inauguration, just a feeling of rightness.

This is who I’m meant to be.

I still have a lot to learn, yet I’ve been preparing for this all my life. Yes, I will experience self-doubt and make mistakes. I will also touch people’s hearts and minds.

Together with all other spiritual teachers, present and past, we carry on a beautiful tradition of a life of service.


