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What Are You Attracting in Business?

You should pay attention to your surroundings, it’s very important in your business and personal life.  What you see is what you attract!

Using the experience of Feng Shui consultations I have performed, here are some interesting examples…

  • I was booked to Feng Shui a company that had a big problem with conflict between the CEO and the Directors. When I walked into the office, the first thing I saw was a painting hung behind the CEO’s desk. It was a Boxer holding up his fists wearing a pair of red boxing gloves.

shutterstock_241563811 - Boxer Image

My recommendation was for them to take the painting down because they were attracting fighting and conflict into their business!  There was a similar situation in a family home recently.  The couple were having marriage problems and there hanging from the ceiling in their bedroom was a punch bag with gloves, again they were attracting fighting in their marriage.

  • A lady who had a history of failed relationships askedLove Image me for help. She told me that all she wanted was to meet ‘Mr Right’. The problem was found in her bathroom/restroom.  There was a gorgeous painting of a romantic couple on the wall and the letters spelling ‘L O V E’ sitting on her window sill.  I explained that she really should remove these from this room as she was flushing her love and relationships down the pan/tube.  She was shocked and couldn’t believe that she had missed this herself.


  • A couple asked me for help because their son was gambling too much. Hanging on his bedroom wall was an image of a casino. This was what he was attracting.  I recommended they remove this from the room.  Their son wasn’t happy but agreed when his parents promised to replace it with a picture of the sports car of his dreams.

Audi R8 Car Image

I encourage you to walk around your business/office, pay attention to your surroundings and see what you and your business are attracting.

  • What’s hanging on your office walls?
  • What are you attracting into your business?
  • Create a vision board and put everything on this board that you want to attract into your business.
  • How much money do you want to attract? Write out a cheque made payable to you for that amount and pin it to your vision board.Focus Image
  • Display certificates/ awards on your wall.
  • Display positive words e.g. ‘ABUNDANCE’ or ’FOCUS’.
  • Be careful with the placement of mirrors. What are you reflecting?  What you reflect in the mirror, you’re doubling, so make sure it’s something good!
  • What images are on the walls in the bathroom/restroom? Be careful, because whatever they are, you are flushing down the drain/tube.  Pictures of flowers or landscapes are great in this room.  Don’t hang company awards in here.

I suggest you try doing this in your home too.  Walk around each room with fresh eyes and you’ll be surprised what you see.  What do these images represent to you?


