1. In a world full of daisies dare to be a rose.
2. Be yourself; you have nothing more valuable to offer the world than the original you.
3. When the elevator to your dreams is broken, take the stairs.
4. In storms look for rainbows; in sunshine prepare for storms.
5. Overcoming what frightens you the most strengthens you the most.
6. A lifelong learner is a lifelong winner.
7. Mistakes are lessons inside out.
8. Use your enemy’s arrows for firewood.
9. When people try to bury you, remind yourself you are a seed.
10. The bad chapters of your life lead to the good ones if you keep turning the pages.
11. Don’t downgrade your dreams to upgrade your relationships.
12. Keep negative people in your prayers, not in your life.
13. What you seek for others you find for yourself.
14. Change around you begins with change within you.
15. On the path to greatness, life teaches you to walk with stones in your shoes.
16. If you have the power to help one person, you have the power to change the world.
17. Generosity is inverted prosperity.
18. The past is your teacher. The present is your opportunity. The future is your reward.
19. Learn more than others. Work more than others. Succeed more than others. Give more than others.
20. The world is full of angels; if you can’t find one, be one.