I have been an avid practitioner of meditation for several years now, and have taught meditation as well. Many of the complaints I hear as you may guess is, I can’t’ stop the thoughts, I don’t have time, I get so distracted, my foot falls asleep and so on and so on.
One of the things that I have been able to develop and consistently use in my daily routine I wanted to share with you, I call it the 7 breath method.
You see I developed this to “set the mood’ and to get maximum benefit for the allotted amount of time. Most everyone I have taught this to has time for 7 breaths, no matter how hectic their life is. So here is my daily morning routine and the 7 breath method.
I wake up without an alarm clock (haven’t used one in over 30 years, I know weird but hey) and the first thing I think of after saying my morning thank you prayer, to be honest, going to the bathroom especially at my age. So I remember my mentor DavidJi came up with the acronym RPM which stands for “rise, pee, meditate”. I added one in there which is after the R and P I hit the coffee pot then meditate.
I then go to our spare room where I have a meditation chair I ordered online and take a couple deep breaths, feather the nest and get comfortable. Then I take a moderate breath in and focus all my energy on my base energy center and direct the breath down into it. I also envision if glowing bright red and projecting a red light filling the room. I then exhale slowly and envision the light remaining.
On the 2nd breath, I inhale and direct the breath to my 2nd energy center just 2 fingers below the navel and envision a bright orange glowing light emitting from the front and back sides. With each breath, I work my way up the chakras, yellow, green, blue, violet, and finally 6 inches or so above my head angelic white. This is the routine that I do every morning. It takes only 7 breaths and leaves me feeling energized and focused for the rest of the day.
If I find that I am having trouble focusing on one of my chakras, or can’t see the color properly I hold the breath and imagine pure white light enveloping that region. Then I repeat with a new breath and always the proper color and feeling appear, then I just follow through to the rest of them up to the crown.
This 7 breath method I described has helped me and several of my patients over the years open and bless their chakras. I have never gained anything from doing this but I have lost anxiety, stress, muscle tension, stomach issues, and many other things that I am happy to see go.
So for those of you that can’t focus or quite the mind, or don’t have time. Try this 7 breath method for 30 days and see what you can lose. Just don’t forget RPM and of course, hit the coffee pot if you don’t have a timer on it.
Usually, after the 7 breaths, I sit there for a while and go “into the gap” which is the place between thoughts for about 10 min or so or until I smell the coffee that is waiting for me.
Be blessed, Namaste