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5 Mindset Shifts to Increase Your Income While Working Less

Ever so often, I see spiritual business owners working much harder than necessary to hit their income goals.

Day after day, they spend hours sharing their best content on social media, writing blog posts, creating YouTube videos, interacting in dozens of Facebook groups … All of that while still feeling guilty for charging for their services and slowly burning out from being in constant busy mode.

I remember being there myself quite a few times.

When I first took my leap into entrepreneurship nine years ago, I replaced my corporate income relatively quickly by taking what I knew from my job in the advertising industry and turning it into my own freelance business.

But: I recreated many other aspects of the corporate world at the same time, including the daily content creation marathon, endless deadlines, and high-stress work environment. It wasn’t until after I burned out that I finally learned to slow down, take my own needs more seriously, and be more firm with my boundaries.

Which quickly resulted in a massive pay raise, much nicer clients, and more time freedom to work on my passion projects on the side.

Later, after opening my spiritual business and starting my new life overseas, I had the opposite problem: I was living a life I loved, had plenty of freedom to do what I wanted, and my work was fueled by my soul.

But: I also felt so responsible for the suffering of others that I was constantly giving more than I was receiving, violating my own boundaries, and feeling so guilty for charging money for my services that I was barely making enough to survive. (Luckily, I had savings—but still, it sucked to be stuck in a business that wasn’t working.)

Again, I burned out.

It wasn’t until I learned to value myself more, reclaim my power, and stop playing small to please others that things finally changed. I invested $5K in a business coach, went high-end, and celebrated my first $5K launch a few months later.

This was only the beginning of the journey, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned through this experience, it’s this:

Creating prosperity often has much less to do with the amount of effort we’re putting in than we might think. While I do believe in the value of working for goals and dreams, ultimately, what we allow ourselves to receive is a reflection of our own beliefs and sense of self-worth much more than a result of pure action.

The less internal resistance we have towards receiving what we desire, the more effortless the journey becomes.

This is why today, I felt inspired to share my top #5 mindset shifts to leap your income to the next level while creating more ease and time freedom in your life and business:

1. Working harder doesn’t make you a better person. Many of us learned from a young age that only when we work hard, we are loved, appreciated, and worthy of receiving what we desire. The belief that “the harder we work, the more we get” is deeply ingrained in our society. While following this rule typically serves us well in the corporate world, it can be a recipe for failure in business. So: What if you allowed yourself to believe that it’s not your doing that makes you worthy, but that simply being you is enough? How would this change things for you and your clients?

2. By receiving more with less effort, you get to serve more people. Do you truly believe in the value of what you’re offering? If yes, understand this: Spending countless hours doing busy work every day while making only a few sales here and there really isn’t serving anyone. What if you could promote your work with less effort and make more sales at the same time? Wouldn’t that be an amazing opportunity to change more lives with your gifts?

3. You’re not serving anyone by putting yourself last. For most of us healers and world changers, giving is easy. We’re passionate about serving others, even if it comes at the price of sacrificing our own well-being. Here’s the thing though: We can’t really serve others by neglecting our own needs. In truth, we’re all connected. By hurting ourselves, we actually end up hurting others. By allowing ourselves to receive in abundance, we also create abundance for those around us.

4. Money is NOT unspiritual. Many spiritual business owners have a hard time receiving abundant compensation for their work because they feel that money isn’t spiritual. This is an outdated belief that no longer applies in the new paradigm. Money is simply a currency of energy that allows us to manifest our needs and desires into a physical form more easily and make a bigger impact in the lives of others, too. In the past, we lived in communities that supported us. Today, we need money like everyone else, and that’s okay. After all: What sense does it make to work in a job you hate while you could make a much bigger difference by doing only what you were born to do?

5. Charging more for your services allows you to create more value. If you ever feel guilty for wanting to charge higher prices for your services, remember this: The more value you see in what you’re offering, the more value you can give. And it works the other way around, too: The more value your clients see in your services, the more value they’ll receive. Instead of worrying that your clients can’t afford you, simply focus on giving the best possible value, and you’ll create a win-win for everyone.


