As spiritual business owners, we know that marketing is an important piece to our business success. But exactly how important is it?
Is it so important that it actually plays a role in the type of clients you want to attract to your business?
Well for me – I believe it really is THAT important.
And let me tell you, when my marketing is misaligned, I end up doing a whole lotta attracting the WRONG clients.
How do I know this?
Well for starters, it is important to understand what a client looks like when they are not right for you.
- They don’t align with your price (aka asking for discounts)
- They completely drain your energy
- They don’t respect your time
- You absolutely dread, and I mean dread, getting on the phone with them
- You are frustrated beyond belief with them and don’t know why
- They ask for refunds or don’t work through the process
- They blame you when things don’t go right
Okay – sure this list may be a little dramatic, but I hate to admit that I’ve had a few clients like this along the way.
Here’s the thing I know…
If my marketing is aligned with the real me and not the “fake” me that many of the “gurus” tell me I need to be, these energy draining, misaligned clients won’t even bat an eye my way. I will not even be on their radar.
When you speak – I mean truly speak to a someone’s soul – the right people come to you. The perfect matches.
I was making a list of my ideal client traits the other day and while I was writing, it felt like I was writing a help wanted ad or placing an order at a restaurant.
Take a peak at my ideal client brain dump:
Have a website
Ability to implement plan of action
Loves to brainstorm and think out of the box
Mover and shaker
Transitioning from corporate to a spiritual business
Big heart
Order Up!!
And it got me thinking …
What items on this list are non-negotiable? And I mean, absolutely, positively – no matter how much of a cash slump I’m in, will not bring them on as a client – non-negotiable.
When I asked myself this, it became crystal clear, who I would and wouldn’t work with.
Pretty fun exercise.
If you struggle with finding the right clients — try this exercise and share with us how it goes. I’d love to hear about it!!