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Find Your Niche

When I first began to take myself, and my business seriously, I felt empowered and confident. I was on top of the world, feeling unstoppable in my abilities. I’d taken the courses, met with the holistic Guru’s, and read anything of metaphysical content that I could get my hands on. As this newfound knowledge heightened and awakened my spirituality, I urgently wanted to share my gifts with everyone. In just a short amount of time, I was able to offer my clients a number of newly designed services. My reviews were good, my income was steady, and everything seemed to be moving along smoothly.


That is until SHE and I crossed paths. Sure, SHE was nice enough… A woman that I’d met through a longtime client. SHE reached out to me stating that SHE wanted a Tea Leaf reading. Now, while I had only done a few of these, with the last one being over two years ago, I readily accepted her appointment for the following day. After all, hadn’t I studied tasseography under the guidance of one of the best Seers in all of North Carolina? What could possibly go wrong? The session was awkward, and quite tense. In my overzealous attempt to make the experience ideal for my client, SHE casually pointed out glaring errors in my delivery. SHE was ultimately unhappy with my services and rightly so asked for a refund. I was mortified.

The next day, I received a concerned call from my longtime client who’d referred her. She was perplexed as to how her friend could have been so disappointed, when she’d been utilizing my services for years without incident. I suddenly became as transparent as could be, and explained to her that, while I’m gifted at reading cards, manipulating Chakras in the body to help you to feel good, picking up on otherworldly activity, and assisting folks with finding (or keeping) the love of their life…I suck at Tea Leaf readings. It’s just not my niche’. There, I said it!

There are many lessons that I’ve learned along this Spiritual journey of mine, and one that I wish I’d learned at the very beginning. You cannot be everything to everyone. It just isn’t possible, and that’s okay. You have to learn what your niche’ is. What makes you shine? What is your special gift or gifts, that cause you to stand out from all of the rest? My husband is an Artist. His paintings hang in galleries all over Florida. He occasionally travels with a caravan of men who showcase their works all over the United States. It’s a craft that he’s mastered since he was a young boy. His tools of choice are acrylics and oils.

I can recall a very eager customer, who one day asked him to recreate an oil painting that he’d done, in water colors instead. My husband politely declined. The customer, undeterred, proposed an unusually large sum of money if my husband would reconsider. Without batting an eye, my husband said, “I’m sorry man, that’s just not my thing.” Now, could my husband have used water colors to create a masterpiece for this customer? Of course he could have. But, not only was it something that he wasn’t particularly the best at, he wasn’t passionate about it either.

There’s so much outside chatter that goes in the background, when we’re trying to ensure that our Spiritual Business thrives. Take a second to exhale, and focus on your niche’, and then push full speed ahead with it. Be authentic, and passionate in what you offer to your customers. Stop worrying about being everything to everyone. Focus instead on offering the best, one of a kind service that only you can, to the right people. Don’t be a copy, be an original….find your niche’.

