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Dear Deziree Episode #35

Dear Deziree,

I’m a little bit at the crossroads, it goes like this…

I have been dating a guy from out west for about a year and the root of unease comes from this relationship. Sometimes he is irrational and jealous, and it makes me mentally pull away but then we talk it out and mend, seems like extreme ups and downs…

The other side is my work, I’ve been let go of my job because we are not busy enough, however, this company has also given me an offer of a full-time job doing a little bit of a different role than my chosen profession. Either way, my bike just got stolen and I can’t help but think the universe is pointing me back home to New England, am I crazy?

My boyfriend makes me so angry I just want to pack up and drive home. The thought of breaking it off and leaving my job makes me feel anxious. He will be really angry if I break up and want to go home, my work will be disappointed if I leave them. I need a little bit of insight… Is this a lesson? Should I go back home?

“In need of guidance!”


Dear Deziree Screenshot


Dear “In need of guidance”,

My intuition tells me you had to have this experience over the last year or so, it gave you the opportunity to expand and to see what it felt like to leave the safety and comfort of what you knew as home. If you chose to return to New England, you will have some things to re-evaluate from your past related to who you were as that girl who left for greener pastures.

Your boyfriend is part of the journey of your growth, he is your mirror. Whatever is being stirred up in you is not from him, he is the light pointing to darkness in you that needs attention. You wrote most of what you thought about all that’s taking place, my question is, “How do you really feel about each piece of it and why?” The mind will always lie and try to convince us we’re wrong to feel the way we do. My advice would be to get real clear on how you feel about staying vs. leaving and why you feel this way. Ask yourself, “Why am I willing to stay unhappy to keep others happy at the expense of my own happiness?” Hmm…

Your mind has locked you into the judgment of this situation with no thought of possibilities of a finding a way out. If others are angry because you chose what makes you happy, you then need to take a look at that. People who truly Love you would want what’s best for you even if that means letting you go, that’s called Unconditional Love, my dear! Wishing you Love and peace!

Be Extraordinary,
Kimberly Deziree


The intention of Dear Deziree is to use the intuitive gifts of Kimberly Deziree to give you guidance regarding your spiritual business. As with EVERYTHING in life, we need to take 100% responsibility for ourselves. Her response is meant to give you guidance, but ultimately you are responsible for you. Enjoy!



