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In Business with Spirit

Unicorn from Pixabay_Free downloads_no attribution needed

Life is a journey for sure, and some days… we can get feeling like a train wreck. Days like that leave us feeling sidetracked or derailed from our dreams and aspirations. But, it is important to know, that no matter how bleak a circumstance may seem, we can always solve to evolve on our soul journey! As a Spiritual Medium, some people think my path is full of sunshine, signs, and symbols that keep me grounded and connected to Source. Let’s keep it real! I can honestly say that I have never seen a unicorn manifest in front of me! Although, I do see Spirit!

I have served Spirit both sides of life’s veil in numerous ways, and last October I finally embarked on a journey of co-creating with Spirit. Communication with the Spirit world, trusting my intuition and a soul calling, validated my decision to establish a new Spiritual business.

Synchronistic events brought so many opportunities my way and I began to just say “yes” when it aligned with my ethics and integrity. With the logo designed, photos taken, business cards ordered, website developed, pricing and policy established… this was it. I was good to go out and begin serving with a servant’s heart.

Then my ego surfaced. It engineered doubt, fear, and worry at a rapid rate. The ego is sly and so willing to shift our train of thought.

All that I was once sure of involving policy and procedure, became an issue. I felt my being a Conduit for Spirit was a gift to my Soul, and this caused me to question charging a fee,Pray_Grateful_In Business wiht Spiritarticle 2_Pixabay image_no attribution needed even though I committed to co-create with Spirit; establishing a business, not a hobby. I had never wanted to exclude those who need the healing the most… and that caused me to forget why I started the business, to begin with, and I began to focus on what people would think instead.

I like to be liked. I wouldn’t call it a character flaw, but distrusting Source. Once I recognized this I had no choice but to shush the worry, fear, doubt and insecurities that caused me to challenge my decisions. I knew I had to become clear in my intention for Spirit and stop sending mixed signals. I never anticipated the angst the imagination brought when focused on other perceptions other than what I knew to be the truth.

Are you contemplating creating a spiritual business? Have you had one for a while and find yourself comparing yourself to others? Are you new to it in general?

There are tools that can be useful to your being able to be clear with yourself above it all.

First, know you are not alone. You are supported spiritually. Source and the Spirit world want you to succeed. One thing that helped me a lot was meditating; opening to Source and allowing my Soul time to connect. Some people enjoy guided meditations. As for myself, I find sitting in silence, breathing and just finding a state of contemplation, to be helpful.

Second, have a pen and paper or small recorder on hand so you can keep track of new concepts, ideas, thoughts etc. as you sift through what resonates with you.

Third, reach out to others. It’s wonderful to find like-minded people who have similar interests and aspirations that may have already been down the road before you, that are open and willing to share insight.

Fourth, do what you can to be true to your intentions. Each person has different gifts they can bring to the table to lift others up. At the end of the day, you should be comfortable with you and your decisions. Let others offer guidance and inspiration, but do not compare yourself. Be willing to be unique. Trust that each experience you encounter, good, bad or indifferent, are all necessary for you to solve to evolve on your soul journey.

Spirit Blessings!



