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Dear Deziree Episode #28

Dear Deziree,

Trying so hard to change certain things in my life! Working so hard that I have no time for myself and money doesn’t seem to be coming in easily either! What road do I need to take to attract abundance in my life? Maybe you could give me some insight as to what I am doing wrong.

Thank you,

~ Maryanne



Dear Deziree Screenshot


Dear Maryanne,

Congratulations on recognizing that it is time to make changes in your life in order to bring a certain level of happiness to you. I commend you on the fact that you are working so hard to make changes, but I feel that the amount of effort you are putting in to make these changes is what is tripping you up.

My feeling is that the energy that you are expending, has a frantic “feel” to it, almost like a dog chasing its tail. The more the dog chases its tail with no results, the more obsessed he becomes trying to catch the elusive tail he can’t reach.

My intuition is telling me that with all this energy that you are putting out, you are not getting your desired results because, number one, I feel you do not have a clear life vision plan put in place. You will not attract the abundance that you seek without your life vision plan in place. Secondly, I feel that your time management skills need a bit of work. Without being able to manage your time adequately and having your plan in place, you will be like that dog chasing its tail and eventually you will burn out.

So hopefully when you read this response you will understand where you are and what you need to do in order to make progress in moving forward.  If you find you are having difficulty and feel blocked, please feel free to email me to discuss this further. Many blessings to you!

Be Extraordinary,
Kimberly Deziree


The intention of Dear Deziree is to use the intuitive gifts of Kimberly Deziree to give you guidance regarding your spiritual business. As with EVERYTHING in life, we need to take 100% responsibility for ourselves. Her response is meant to give you guidance, but ultimately you are responsible for you. Enjoy!


