One of the few physics laws that I remember from high school is f = ma.
Force = Mass x Acceleration.
I always enjoy knowing that when there is a law or a formula it makes things easier to refer to or remember. I love the ease of having an equation to identify the parts of a process to get an outcome. It means that someone else has done all the hard work and experimented so now it will be easy for me to get the same outcome with little effort.
Though in truth – that is not the truth.
Things do happen because of laws, this cannot be argued. Things happen because of attraction with positive to negative or being pulled like gravity. There are polarity laws which repel. And some things ‘flow’ because it is the path to least resistance like a river without obstructions.
What is our role in order to have things come into our plane of existence as we see it, touch, taste, hear and feel it?
And how much do we need to participate in the laws around us for there to be an effect in the direction that we want?
What has it got to do with me?
If the Universe has so many laws to ‘make things happen’ then are we able to change the world in which we live?
Of course, we are. It does matter what we do in this matter we inhabit.
It matters because we too are law.
We too work within the scope of the laws of creation.
We too are capable of knowingly entering into the process of creating the outcome we desire.
We are able to make changes to the ‘things’ we create.
Be-Cause we Can
We can BE the CAUSE of the flow in our lives. We can have things happen to us and around us BE-CAUSE we instigate it by the laws of the universe that operate inside of us. We are the operators and creators of the world – the world in which we live.
Just like Force = Mass x Acceleration, we too can be any component of this equation of creation. The key is to not also be the ‘resistance’ in the equation or other laws will take effect and we will negate the force and direction of our desire.
1 + 1 or 1 – 1
Just like in f = ma, the more mass we put into our goal the greater the outcome.
Likewise, the faster we act in the law, then the faster the flow will begin in our world.
It is also true that while we are pushing, trying, persisting and doing, there are also other forces in the universe that are working and may actually be working for a different outcome than we know. We must not be the opposing force in our equation or we will end up with zero, whether we intended to or not.
And what IF we do all things in order for the outcome we want to be achieved and it doesn’t happen?
Well, that is an answer based on the universal Law of Allowance, which we can also participate in.
But more on that one, later.