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3 Ways to Attract New Clients on Facebook


I’m a big fan of Facebook. In fact, about 98% of my clients come from Facebook, and no, I don’t pay for advertising or spend a lot of time marketing.

There are 3 key ways to attract new clients on Facebook with ease and grace. You don’t have to be a spammy person or use slimy sales tactics.



If that means you’re a cussing, drinking, motorcycle-riding badass (like me), then do that. If it means you don’t like any of those things, then do what you love instead.

The REAL key to attracting a cult following is just to be who you are. Every part of it. The good, the bad, and the ugly. For the most part, you’ll want to post about the bad and the ugly selectively, after you’ve gotten through it so you can share the lessons you’ve learned. You don’t want to sound like you’re whining and complaining, but you’ll still be sharing the most vulnerable parts of yourself.


There are so many people giving the same tired information on the internet that the moment you start talking about how things REALLY work, you’re going to cause a stir.

Tired of fluffy spirituality? Think JP Sears. Roll your eyes every time someone tells you to, “Identify your ideal client avatar”? Then explain why this is a stupid idea that actually keeps beginners from making any money in their business. The point is if you have something to say then you need to say it. People NEED to hear it. Otherwise, they’ll be out there worrying about building a website or creating business cards when they could, you know, be running an actual business and getting clients.


I’m a HUGE fan of having your own Facebook Community and started advocating it years before it became the trendy thing to do. Having a community is still the easiest and quickest way to attract clients on Facebook.

Remember that your community has to be about something bigger than just buying your products. It has to share your message that people can be excited about and want to jump on board with. For example, in the Spiritual Badass Community, we’re all about spiritual entrepreneurs making great money with their Gifts, charging what they’re worth, and living a fantastic life – the way they want to! No more struggling, undercharging, or saying things like “you can’t charge for spirituality.” We kick those old beliefs to the curb!

So what is your Message? Sit down, get clear, and create your community and let people know EXACTLY why you are different. Post what you really think and know to be true, and show up as 100% you.

You’ll be attracting your best clients in no time!


