Dear Deziree,
I am a 33 year old female and have worked in the public sector since I was 19. I have always felt I had to adhere to conditions, red tape, policies and procedures as dictated to me in my profession.
I am very academic and have always been misguided in my professional path, as my reality has always been based on the perception of society and its expectations as opposed to what I feel in my heart.
I want to apply myself as a life coach (have experience and qualifications). Recently, I have faced a lot of personal stress and know what my blocks are. I just know I need to take action but consistently find reasons and excuses not to (I am a Capricorn and a lazy perfectionist), and I know I should value myself more.
How do I take action?
Is it as easy as starting at the beginning and moving forward from there?
Fear, self-doubt and uncertainty are the enemy but there is security in these emotions too!
Anyway, the overall tone is quite helpless (learned and self-reinforced), and I appear to have given up before I have even begun – so any insightful advice or support would be appreciated.
Thank you,
Self Sabotage
Dear Self Sabotage,
Thank you for reaching out! There is a lot going on here so I’m going to address it piece by piece as I feel it. If you noticed I say feel it not see it? That’s because I myself am in that place where I have emptied my “stuff” from my core. As a healer, it is crucial that you fully heal and do your own work on a soul level.
From what I’m feeling, that is not the case with you at this time. To be a Life coach, experience and qualifications help but only to a certain degree. You can only coach/heal your clients to the level that you have achieved mastery in those areas.
So in saying that, let’s go back to where you’re at – fear, self-doubt, critical self-talk, etc. I feel you have a good amount of insight as to what is going on, you label them well. You claim to know your blocks? Wish you would have shared as I would be curious to see if it’s what I feel are your blocks.
My intuition tells me you see yourself as a victim (label) so your mind has decided (Judgement) that victims are helpless. Your foundation in who you see yourself as is weak. This is why you feel insecure and unsure of your abilities to do the work that your soul is calling you to do. My feeling is that you have not felt encouraged or supported from somewhere in your history. You believed it, and your “Ego” is in full view continuing this story.
The good news is you are a creator and can create new! You ask, “how do I take action?” Easy! Decide to Decide, take action, any action to move forward. First, you must work on the self-talk, delete that file of negativity and judgement. Start talking as if you were that Life Coach who’s positive and full of wisdom. What I’m saying here is coach your-self.
You mentioned you had experience and qualifications, right? Then try them on. When I started doing my work of shifting out of Ego and into my higher self, I noticed my self-talk that use to be judgemental and critical started becoming encouraging and loving. I even laughed when I realized as I was doing my soul level healing, I was coaching myself. Believe it or not, that was the beginning of my coaching career.
There are two books I’m going to recommend you read. The first is “Healing the Heart and Soul” by Michael Mirdad. This book is a five-step, soul-level guide for healing and transforming your life. The second book I’m going to suggest is “ The Untethered Soul” by Michael A. Singer. This book helps with the self-talk which sets you free from the awful cycle of self-sabotage.
Best wishes on your journey of healing and your work as a coach that follows. Keep me posted on your progress.
Be Extraordinary,
Kimberly Deziree
The intention of Dear Deziree is to use the intuitive gifts of Kimberly Deziree to give you guidance regarding your spiritual business. As with EVERYTHING in life, we need to take 100% responsibility for ourselves. Her response is meant to give you guidance, but ultimately you are responsible for you. Enjoy!