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3 Ways to Fall Back in Love with Facebook

Remember back when Facebook was the bomb?

EVERYONE was posting, connecting, and getting TONS of clients. It was THE Social Media site and THE place to be!

Now everywhere you look people are complaining that it doesn’t work and jumping to other platforms, where they are also confused and not getting results. Worse, bands of 20-something’s are running around shouting about how Facebook doesn’t work and that you MUST get on other platforms or your business will DIIIIIIEEEEE!

You’ve seen those posts, right? Notice how those posts are ON Facebook? #irony

Despite what “everyone” is saying, Facebook is still an amazing Social Media platform and yes, a great place to do business and get clients! In fact, it’s still my #1 place for referrals, connections, and cash!

If you believe Facebook is dead and aren’t getting the results you want, here are 3 ways to Fall Back in Love with Facebook:


  1. LIMIT THE NUMBER OF GROUPS YOU ARE IN. Groups are great! I advocate starting your own group and even have programs on how to grow your business effectively using groups. But being in too many groups becomes a SERIOUS problem.

The Solution: Focus on the BEST 3-5 groups for you and your business. Really start participating and making connections in those groups, and soon you’ll start to see better results!


  1. MAKE A PLAN FOR YOUR CONTENT. Not only should you know what you’re focusing on each week, but you want to plan out HOW you’re going to share your information and let people know about the programs and services you have to offer.

The Solution: Learn how to do different types of posts. Not only do you want to Livestream, but understanding how to create Long Posts (also referred to as Value Posts), Short Posts, and Question post the RIGHT way will help you stand out and get noticed in spammy groups or in overcrowded news feeds.


  1. CREATE AN EPIC WEEKLY CHECKLIST. Once you’ve got your content created, you need to know WHEN and WHERE to post it. Plus, head’s up: You can NOT just cut and paste it into group after group after group and expect results! People notice.

The Solution: CLICK HERE grab your FREE Epic Weekly Checklist. Not only will you save valuable time and energy, you’ll be able to keep ALL of your Social Media and posting on track!


Once you’ve done these three steps, you will suddenly understand exactly how to make Facebook work for you again. As you make more and more connections and get more and more messages from people wanting to work with you, you’ll suddenly find yourself falling back in love with Facebook!

In April I’ll show you how to create your own Facebook Community that doesn’t suck. You’ll be amazed at how easy it is to put together a group of clients who are ready and waiting to pay for YOUR information!


