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How To Start Your Spiritual Business While Keeping Your Day Job

“Day Job”….it feels like a dirty word, doesn’t it? We have been told that it’s a necessary evil in life. You need your day job to eat, to pay the mortgage, to send your kids to school.

It pays the bills but it doesn’t feed your soul, does it?

I know you want nothing more than to love what you do every day.

You desperately want to leave your day job and live your purpose, but you worry about what you would do for income if you quit.

Those damn golden handcuffs have your hands tied. Believe me I know.

There is a great line from a George Clooney movie, “How much did they first pay you to give up on your dreams?”

For me, right out of college, it was $23k. Yup, just $23k and a seat on a trading desk took me down the road to Wall Street and away from my dream of being a therapist.

But since we are always on our path I know I wouldn’t be here today, sharing my knowledge with you, if I had gotten my PhD in Psychology.

No matter where you are today on your journey, it is time to reclaim your dreams.

Now you are probably wondering if you can you really create a business out of your life purpose. Right?

Well, of course you can! I am blessed to be doing exactly what I love and you can too.

But do me a favor and don’t quit your day job just yet!

I am going to show you how to create your business while keeping your day job because you can’t create abundance when you’re stressed about money (believe me, I have tried it and it just doesn’t work).

Keeping your current income is a really smart idea because success will come quicker if you are able to invest in growing both yourself and your business.  

Now you need plan. 

To get you going, I have created for you the five steps for creating your spiritual business while keeping your day job. Let’s take a look:


The first thing you need to do is to define your tribe, who are they? And no, it’s not everyone. When you define your tribe, get really detailed. If it feels like you have narrowed it down too much, then you are on the right track. Then get to know them intimately so you can create a connection. Check out my post onThe 5 Questions You Must Be Asking to Attract Your Tribe for details on how to attract and connect.


In step two you need to define the problem that you’re going to solve for them. When you provide something they want, a solution to a problem, they will feel understood and connected with you. Always see yourself as a problem solver.


Once you and have a clear definition of who your tribe is and what problem you’re solving, you need to go find them and build your list. Building your tribe is the single most important thing you can do for your business. Your list is golden! You list is full of people who connect with you, trust you and ultimately will buy from you.


Now we need to determine what you’re going to offer them. Is it one-on-one coaching? Group coaching? Or do you want to Make Money While You Meditate™ and create an online course? You need a strategy for how you are going to monetize your list.


And lastly, you need to put that offer out to your tribe. They have to know that you have a service available if you want them to buy it. Yep, it’s called marketing.

Here is a little secret I am going to share with you…you can do all of this without spending a dime on a website. Yup, you heard me. Use LeadPages to create a mini website and the landing pages you need to capture those emails. LeadPages is fantastic tool that I use everyday in my business. It has allowed me to double my leads and it will change how you do business too.

To sum it all up, when you are first starting out, spend all of your time and energy on building your tribe. You won’t regret it.

Build your tribe, bring in the abundance and THEN quit your day job.

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