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Cover Story: Kimberly Maska


Kimberly Maska is the publisher of Spiritual Biz Magazine and creator of Spiritual Biz Academy. She is the Mindful Marketer for Spiritual Entrepreneurs across the globe. After 20 years in corporate America, with 8 of those years on Wall Street where she was instrumental in creating a company with 8 partners that was valued at $165 million dollars, the Universe lead her down a spiritual path. Now she marries her love for spirituality with her expertise in business creation and marketing strategies.

DANIEL PAPE: Hello. I’m Daniel Pape, Hermetic scholar and author of the upcoming book, The Disheveled King. I am your host, for this, the first episode of Spiritual Biz Chat.

I am joined by Kimberly Maska. She is the founder and publisher of Spiritual Biz Magazine and the creator of Spiritual Biz Academy. It’s a real pleasure to have you here. Now, I know you’ve been working very hard on this and I am excited to see where it goes.

You truly are the go-to business and marketing strategist for spiritual entrepreneurs around the globe. You have 20 years of business and marketing experience, eight of those years were spent on Wall Street where you were instrumental in building a company up to $165 million dollar value. Amazing.

On a personal note, I see really big things for you. What you’re doing here, in my opinion, is truly building momentum in what I call a paradigm shift. As we all know, there are a lot of people that have spiritual gifts, that they want to share so they can be of service, and you are building a very powerful platform for people to use those gifts. So on behalf of all of us, all of the people that resonate with you, thank you for doing what you are doing. I know it takes a lot of courage and a lot of work, so thank you.

KIMBERLY: You’re welcome.

DANIEL: Let’s jump right in shall we? There are few questions I’ve always wanted to ask you and I’m sure our viewers would love to hear them. The first one is, why Spiritual Biz Magazine and more importantly why now?

KIMBERLY: I think it is something that is needed, especially right now. Like they say, if not now when?

There is this paradigm shift happening, a tipping point if you will, where words like mindfulness and meditation are now commonplace. Even in Corporate America they’re trying to bring mindfulness and meditation into the workplace. We are now open to being aware of our thoughts, of our consciousness.

I think the timing is absolutely right. There is an opportunity for Spiritual Entrepreneurs to come out with their message. Being able to create a magazine like this is exciting and honestly kind of surreal. For me, it’s about creating a community for entrepreneurs who either are already are out there or maybe they are just trying to figure out if they’re ready to step out with their message and their gift. It gives them a place to come and find out about how to create a spiritual business, hear other people’s experiences, get inspiration and ideas, and hear interviews of other entrepreneurs who have done it. Others, who are also spiritual entrepreneurs, other mediums, intuitives, life coaches, that have made it really big. I’m trying to create an arena for people to come and learn and be inspired. And for them to know that it is okay to step out with their gifts and their message.

On a little side note would like to thank you, Daniel, because for those of you that don’t know, Daniel is my spiritual partner. He was the catalyst for me creating the magazine. It’s a funny story, but awhile back he said, “You should create a magazine.” And I said, “Magazine? You’re crazy!” I had so much going on with launches, private clients and the like, I didn’t have much time, so I told him he was out of his mind and I ignored him. I wasn’t ready to receive the message. This is a great lesson for everybody.

A few months later I was in meditation trying to figure out the next steps for my business. And I could actually hear his voice in my meditation. At the time I couldn’t understand why I was hearing him. As soon as I came out of meditation I started having all of these interesting synchronicity’s. I had three or four things show up within 24 hours all about online magazines and being a publisher. That’s when I had the ah-ha moment and it all came together. I have to thank Daniel because without his initial little push, I might not have done this. So, thank you.

DANIEL: You’re more than welcome, thanks for listening to me. And you like wise, you have always been there to support me in what I’m doing, with my book and everything. This helps all of us, all of the co-creators out there are a part of this too. Again, thanks for listening.

Let’s jump right into question two. Now I find this very interesting, and I am sure everyone else will. You spent a large part of your career on Wall Street. How did you get from Wall Street to working with spiritual entrepreneurs? It’s a very interesting transition.

KIMBERLY: It is. I wish I could say it was a smooth transition and I suddenly discovered my purpose, but it’s never quite that easy is it? I spent all of my career in corporate America working for different mortgage banks. That had not been my intention, I had gone to school to be a therapist believe it or not. But my path took me other places and I ended up on Wall Street, where I and 8 partners left a major firm to create our own company. It was exciting and crazy all at the same time, with the nine of us sitting around in a living room coming up with ideas. We pulled together 15 million of our own money and were able to turn it into a $165 million dollar company. Which was really crazy and fun and exciting and draining.

Thankfully, I can see the lesson in it now. But at the time my soul wasn’t being fed, I was miserable and I was not a fun person to be around. On the outside it all looked great. I had a beautiful apartment on Fifth Avenue, I was traveling the world and had an apartment in Paris. Everyone would say “Wow, this is so cool.” It was, but my I was empty. I decided to leave. Which was a really tough decision because it wasn’t just a job. I wasn’t just leaving a company, I was leaving something that I had helped create. That was a really tough decision.

I left, and I wish I could say that I suddenly figured out what my purpose was, but instead I bounced around a little bit. Then I finally started seriously on my spiritual path and began meeting incredible people with amazing gifts. But they weren’t seeing the opportunity for creating a business, they weren’t seeing themselves as spiritual entrepreneurs. I thought what an amazing way to take my gifts, my ability to create companies and marketing and all of that left brain stuff and marry it with a right brain spiritual, feminine energy, which is how I live my life everyday.

I could see how to pull it all together. Then I thought, “Okay, now how do I take this and make it bigger?” Which is how we ended up here today, talking about Spiritual Biz Magazine. That’s how my path happened and it was really a blessing.

I know a lot of you out there are on your journey, trying to figure out your path. It is terrifying, I have to tell you it wasn’t an easy process, but now I can look back and see why I was in the career I was in. How it helped me. And how I’m able to use it now to move forward. It was a gift but sometimes it’s hard to see it when you’re in the forest…you have to step out.

That’s how I ended up with here.

DANIEL: You truly married the two sides of yourself. You took your business expertise and your spiritual awareness, you combined them and now you’re providing a service for people.

One of the things that I think contributes to the process moving slowly is fear. I don’t know if you agree, but I would love to get your opinion.

What do you think is the biggest obstacle holding spiritual entrepreneurs back from actually stepping out and creating this ripple effect? In stepping out they’re coming out with something that is unique and something that I feel is needed right now. But why do you think it’s a slow process? What is the biggest obstacle?

KIMBERLY: You hit the nail on the head with the biggest obstacle. That is fear. Stepping out is about being vulnerable. Especially if you’re an intuitive or medium, they aren’t things that are commonly accepted yet. I think they will be as part of this paradigm shift. We are all going to be able to see each other’s energy and know what everyone is feeling. We are all really empaths, right? It’s just about what vibrational frequency we are on to be able to receive the information.

With people starting to step out it will become more commonplace, but sometimes we are afraid. We wonder, “What are people going to think? What is so-and-so going to say? Am I going to loose friends because I’m stepping out as an intuitive or as a medium?” I know mediums that have lost friends because of that. But then you have to ask yourself, “how good of a friend were they to begin with?”

It is scary. I know when I stepped out with my gift I was terrified. Here I was, very corporate, but I do have a spiritual side. My mother was an amazing intuitive. That’s were I got my gift, but I had never said it out loud to anyone. Our family knew, of course, how could they not know? It was so obvious with how she and I could connect and know things in advance. But when I first started working with spiritual entrepreneurs, I never said anything about it. When when I finally stepped out it was really scary. I wrote a blog post about an experience I had. Some interesting things happen in our house, I had had a “visitor.” It moved some things around, recorded a TV show and had some fun with us. I kind of had to write about it, it was such a big thing.

Up to that point, most people had no idea that I was intuitive or that I could connect with people that had transitioned. They just saw me as a corporate person, because honestly I was hiding. I was hiding behind the fact that I knew business and I knew marketing. I wasn’t ready to step out. But when I did publish the article, the transformation in myself and my business was huge. I want others to see that when you finally step out it’s amazing what can happen. It’s really incredible to see how people support you and come together. And that’s why I have created the magazine. It is to create a community where we can all get support.

Let the fear push you to where you need to go vs. holding you back. That fear thing is kicker for all of us.

I also have a second one that I see a lot and I am going to get a little on my soap box, but this is a big one for me. Spiritual entrepreneurs are really afraid, and I am going to use the word afraid because I hear it a lot, are afraid of receiving abundance for their gifts. This is about creating a business and taking in money, about having financial success too.

I see spiritual entrepreneurs struggle so much financially and it kind of boggles my mind because here they are, in tune with Source, in alignment, they mediate and yet this major thing that is needed to survive, that will allows us to help more people, they struggle with bringing that in.

The idea of charging for your gifts is something that really holds people back. They feel like they shouldn’t charge and are doing it for free, they get uncomfortable if they have to charge. But it’s just energy. Money is just energy. And the Universe wants everything to be in balance. So how do we keep things in balance? If you are going to give your energy to your clients, you need to receive it back. And you might as well get it back in the form of money.

You can’t help others when you aren’t taken care of. You have to be able to take care of yourself and THEN turn that around and help more people. To be clear, this is not about creating money to buy things, that is not what we are talking about. It is about creating financial abundance so you can turn around and help more people, change more lives. I see that as another huge factor that holds back spiritual entrepreneurs.

DANIEL: Wow, it is so true. And as we know everything is spiritual. Not to get into quantum physics, but it’s becoming common knowledge that everything that we experience on this material level is a vibrational reality at its core. Even money, it’s an energy exchange.

It sounds like you are helping spiritual entrepreneurs to shift a belief system. Money is not the problem, perhaps the problem is our attitude about the problem, about money, so money isn’t really the problem.

I find it interesting that money is exchanged all of the time, in all kinds of businesses. And it seems that if you are not truly helping anyone then it is ok to make money but the moment you are actually helping someone, how dare you make money. Imagine if we reversed that, where money becomes abundant when you’re actually providing a service and helping someone, if money was made that way it seem like a natural flow. It’s just a thought. And I think that goes in with what you are saying. And it is a process, you know, it’s a paradigm shift. These things build momentum and I think that is what we are doing right now.

It’s very clear that you have Spiritual Biz Magazine and here we are, Spiritual Biz Chat.  What exactly is Spiritual Biz Academy? Can you tell us more about that?

KIMBERLY: I am trying to build a community and create a movement. What I have done is create an academy where spiritual entrepreneurs can come and learn exactly what they need to know to be able to get their business started. It’s about the marketing, it’s about solidifying your message and especially defining your tribe, because I think that is a huge miss with everybody, not just spiritual entrepreneurs. We think we can help everyone, which we can, but we really have to define our tribe to know how to serve them the best. To know how do you put your best self out there to change as many lives as possible. I have created the academy where spiritual entrepreneurs can join and come in and learn. Every week we have a new lesson, there is live Q&A so we are there when you have questions. When you are stuck in a piece of your business and you need someone to look at what you created, this is where this community comes in so we can help each other.

My goal is to have the ripple effect, to change as many lives as possible and I am going to go out on a limb and say my goal for Spiritual Biz Academy is to create 5000 new spiritual businesses in 5 years. I think that is a pretty lofty goal but I am excited to try and hit it. If I can get 5000 people creating their businesses, think about the impact we can have on this planet.

Think about it, if right now you are helping you neighbor or your sister or whoever, let’s say you are helping 2 or 3 people with your gifts, but after the academy you can help 300, 500, 5000 people.

If I can help 5000 spiritual entrepreneurs and help them get out there with their gifts and create those businesses…wow, I am beyond excited to talk about it. To create the ripple effect on the planet and to really have a huge impact so that we can push that paradigm shift along.

Let’s get everyone talking about mindfulness, let’s get everyone meditating. Let’s get to a place where people are not carrying around those burdens that we carry around as humans. That is the goal with Spiritual Biz Academy.

DANIEL: Very inspiring, outstanding. Last question Kimberly, I love this, I love the sound of it, your signature program is called Making Money While You Meditate™. I just love the sound of that. Tell me more. How do you Make Money While You Meditate™?

This is fun. This came from the idea of how do you make money while you sleep? It seems like a pie in the sky, is that possible? And it is possible. I created this program, Making Money While You Meditate™, because as spiritual entrepreneurs, I think if we had more time and were financially abundant and secure, we would be meditating a lot more, which means we would create more. We could get more inspiration and receive more downloads from Source. If we can Make Money While We Meditate™, everything is better.

The idea behind it is to automate your business. Now this is the part that I know spiritual entrepreneurs go UGH, because the technology piece is left brain. But I try to make it as fun and simple as possible. Once you build the foundation for your business it starts to flow on its own.

This is really for a spiritual entrepreneur who is a little more setup, a little more senior in what they are doing. They know who their tribe is, they have got some processes in place, they are in the flow of it already but maybe working too hard. Because when you are coaching, doing readings or one-on-one coaching, it can be exhausting. You get emotionally drained and your energy is drained. So, how do we then fulfill ourselves, touch more lives and create abundance?

I want to be able to have all spiritual entrepreneurs out there check their account before they meditate and when they come out of meditation there is more money. It is totally doable. It’s really exciting to me. Somehow I enjoy that left brain stuff, the technology piece. When you put it all together, you build it and see it working, its pretty incredible. That’s how you Make Money While You Meditate™.

DANIEL: Sounds great. It sounds like this is where people can take what you are teaching and make it a goal they can reach. Once they put everything in place, and as you said, it is probably for more advance students, but they can get there, correct? Is that something that in your opinion is a very reachable goal? To Make Money While You Meditate™?

KIMBERLY: Absolutely. It is very obtainable and its such a beautiful thing because I have changed that entrepreneurs life. Their time frees up, they have freedom.

I think the whole idea of being an entrepreneur, spiritual or otherwise, is about creating freedom in our lives. So that we have freedom financially, we have freedom with time, we have the freedom to be with our family and to see our kids grow up or whatever it is that you have a passion about.

When you can create the process, when you Make Money While You Meditate™, then you get that. The freedom happens, the financial abundance happens, everything flows into place. And that is the dream life. That is the life everyone is striving for and it is absolutely obtainable.

DANIEL: Well, thanks again Kimberly. Have a beautiful day and thanks for sharing this with us. I will definitely see you later.

KIMBERLY: Thank you.

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