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Space Clearing for Year of the Dragon

In my recent article, I wrote about preparing for Christmas by decluttering. After all your pre-Christmas decluttering, the next important stage is to clean the energy in your home by space clearing. We spend so much time cleaning away the dust and dirt before Christmas, that we can forget about cleaning the energy too.

You can perform a space clearing anytime. Before Christmas to lift the energy, or you can wait until after Christmas once you have taken down your decorations.  I always feel sad taking down my decorations, because Christmas is over, and the house feels so bare and empty. I give everywhere a spring clean, but one of the most important things I do is a space clearing. If we have had people over, partying and drinking over the Christmas and New Year period, I feel like I must clean the energy in my home as well as clean my home.  If ever an argument takes place at home, space clearing is a great way to cleanse the negative energy left behind from the conflict. Negative energy leaves an imprint on our walls, we need to remove this as much as possible.

I clean the energy frequently in my home by performing a space clearing. This clears away any negative energy and increases the positive energy level too.

Below are some step-by-step instructions on how to do this.

How to Space Clear Your Home

  1. You will need a bunch of sage, matches, and a plate or bowl.
  2. Open every window and every door in your home, including your front door and any external doors. (This is obviously more pleasant to do in the warmer months).
  3. Open every cupboard, wardrobe, and every drawer in your home. Yes, every single one, including drawers under your bed! I even open the dishwasher, oven, etc.
  4. Light the sage so it is smoking and hold the plate underneath to catch any embers that may fall from the sage.  The plate will prevent the embers from singeing your carpet or flooring.
  5. Start at your main entrance and follow the direction of the clockwise arrows as per the red arrows on the example floor plan image below.
  6. Walk around the first room clockwise waving your sage smoke as you go.
  7. Wave the sage smoke into the corners and around the walls too. Energy leaves an imprint on our walls, and by waving the smoke around the area close to the walls will clear this away.
  8. Walk into the next room, again always walking around the room clockwise waving the sage smoke.
  9. Continue to do this around every room, walking clockwise around the whole house/apartment/flat.
  10. Once you have completed the ground floor, if you live in a two-storey house you can continue upstairs. Follow the same instructions used on the ground floor (green arrow to show stairs on the floor plan).
  11. If you have a third storey or loft room, follow the same instructions used on ground floor and first floor.
  12. When you have been around the whole house, you can dab the sage onto the plate to put out the smoke. This sage can be used again the next time you want to perform a space clearing.
  13. You can now move around your house closing all the doors, windows, cupboards, drawers, etc in any order you wish.
  14. You may notice that your home feels lighter.

I frequently light Incense sticks in my home as a maintenance habit, to clear any new negative vibes hanging around. Nag Champa is my favorite.

There are so many ways to space clear your home and so many books explaining how to do it. You can use singing bowls, bells, and music, and you can set up an altar with candles, but what I am sharing with you in this article is a ‘basic’ space-clearing technique that is easy to do.

Energy is like oxygen, we know it exists, and it is all around us, but we just cannot see it. If you feel the energy is dropping, you can perform this basic space clearing as often as you feel necessary. I love performing space clearing on my home after I have done a big deep clean. It feels amazing afterwards, it somehow feels lighter and brighter. Doing the space clearing now is great preparation for the Chinese New Year celebrations, which fall on Saturday 10th February 2024 – ‘Year of the Wood Dragon’.

