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Weighing Just Balance

Inevitably, throughout my years as a spiritual leader, I have been faced with the contradiction of defining what is just (fair) vs. the painful life circumstances we are forced to navigate or admit we’ve contributed to and/or created.  In the past, defining what is just (or fair) has been challenging when healing from unexpected tragedy, severe abuse, or other losses.  Understanding the complexity of fairness in one’s own heart and soul (mind, will, emotions, etc.) can be difficult or even to some unattractive.

What I’ve discovered is fairness (and how we define it) is relative and is undoubtedly a large influencer of our current reality perceptions and choices. Of course, that would weigh heavy on how justice is defined and experienced in your heart and reality.  Weighing the balance (the scales of what is just) takes wisdom, practice, integrity of stewardship, and ultimately full responsibility.   Those spiritually mature have been trained in their spiritual senses to discern these differences both in great enlightening moments and also by the pains of forced change, or suffering.   Weighing fairness, or watching the scales of justice tilt or not move at all is a diverse and complex mystery for some, while others seem to know and see clearly.

Your Awakening and advancement steps all hinder on how cooperative we are with God’s purposes, plans, and the Sovereignty of laws of practice and transformation. There’s hope for us all…  For the weak grace is sufficient and made effective in and through our weaknesses.   For the strong,  we take heed,  let’s we fall and lead others astray in our blindness of pride or dullness of spiritual hearing.  “Let him who has an ear, hear what the Spirit is saying.” Matthew 11, 13, Mark 4, Luke 8 & 14.

Over the past 4 decades as I’ve overcome and harnessed the flow of oneness that brought greater shifts in judging fairness,  peace, hope, healing, and ultimate contentment, I was more and more mature in understanding God’s ways of what is just-ness (His justice).  His ways are not always our ways.  God’s thoughts are not always our thoughts, but we can know them.   Although many have mishandled this administration of just-ness it seems to be at the root or forefront of what we are witnessing and experiencing in great display in today’s culture and social structures.   Circumstances always arise that cause the contrast to increase as we transform, thus the opportunity presents itself for us to transcend (awaken, heal, and emerge) yet again.

The precept of man’s justice vs. God’s justice cannot be fully expounded here, nor would I attempt, yet I want to remind you of the core foundational truths that all justice must be upon the precepts of reverence and love.  Love in and of itself is just.  The scriptures guide us in the secrets to God’s (Source’s) way of justice, “A just balance and [honest] scales are the Lord’s; all the weights of the bag are His concern [established by His eternal principles].” Proverbs 16:11. What this literally means is that when things are out of balance they can quickly align and come into balance by His doing.  He can cause fairness (just-ness) justice to be seen, known, and experienced.  In other words, when we position ourselves to be still and know, to meditate, to pray, and to receive, then alignment will come, balance will come, justice can flow, and He will provide.

Of course, we get to participate in the process and that can take us in varied directions unknown, mysterious,  scary, and oftentimes can challenge our definition of what is fair and just.  But if we wait upon Him and seek Christ’s consciousness (Him, God, Source), we will surely find Him, and discover the truth of how He wants justice to manifest in any given situation.  In fact, He promises to deliver speedily.  The key is positioning to receive and doing it His way (through humility, honesty, and yieldedness). Many of my clients, and colleagues have also engaged these simple truths with a current civil or even criminal case they had in the Judiciary courts on this earth. First by petitioning the courts in heaven and approaching Source (God) as a just judge.  This has produced many wonderful and marvelous manifestations and He will do the same for you.  Only believe.

Here’s a 4-step guide of shifting mindset and position of heart to aid you best in receiving:

1. Approach Source (God) unashamed but with reverence, recognizing Him as a just and omnipotent righteous judge.  See yourself before Him in the courts of Heaven and ask Christ for His Advocacy in your defense.  Wait, be still, listen, hear and know.

2. Plead your case with open, honest even brokenhearted supplication.   Just be real and authentic in vulnerability at the place of need for your case.

3. Acknowledge your part in the problem, abuse, trauma, or hindrance. Change your mind, (repentance means to not just be relieved of guilt and sadness or sorrow,  but to turn and go in a new direction.)

4. Expect a shift, imagine it, listen for His voice, be still and know, watch for the manifestations.  If you seek Him, you WILL find Him.


