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Monthly Rhythm: This Aha! Month

This month is like one big aha moment—a month that will transform our awareness. Amidst the pressures of life, truths are unfolding and we’re becoming more focused on the things we need to work on. Our heightened awareness this month will transform our energy in ways that will enable us to seize this opportunity to come together and unite the Divine energy of love. The air will be filled with energy for us to evolve into our consciousness. An ability to tap into our true nature of compassion, knowledge, and kindness is on the horizon.

This awakening will encourage us to be more patient. Patience will deepen the trust and faith we have in ourselves. The pressures we’re feeling will nudge us to make choices about where we are in life, what we want to do, and who we want to be. The choices we make determine our path. Whether we thrive on pressure or not, as we find ourselves engulfed in the daily pressures surrounding us, we will need to seek balance.

Begin by asking, what are my beliefs? Ask yourself, am I aligned with these beliefs and being true to the person I really am? Don’t get caught up in the usual chaos and emotional rubbish. Changing the way you think is a big step in the right direction. Be disciplined and creative. Meditate and anticipate the steps you need to take. And keep reminding yourself to exercise that most fail-proof tool we have—free will. Be grateful and do everything you can to support your vision.

Wake up and ground yourself each morning and bring yourself into the present. Identify anything that’s putting pressure on you, exert your will to commit to the choices you have, and trust that in the right time balance will come. And remember to accept the support you receive as you evolve during this awakening.

