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The New Age Psy-Op vs the Metaphysic Community


A collection of spiritual belief systems that contradict one another. Buddhism, Hinduism, Fundamentalist Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and the list goes on literally. Having a continuous stream of beliefs to choose from keeps the confusion going strong so that souls who are longing for more clarity on their spiritual identity of who they are have many options to choose from; any flavor that satisfies their Ego. 


What is left? The illusion of clarity and purpose. Twisting words like Unity to fit the agenda of NWO, to create a directionless, confused un-loyal race of people who have no allegiance to country, spiritual identity, or community. No values, no principles. A grab bag of what feels good on any given day, practicing in tarot cards, psychic readings, occultism, and magic. So-called modalities disguised as metaphysical tools like meditation and channeling.  


I’m not saying that all the above spiritual belief systems mentioned are evil in it themselves. I believe that these beliefs have been hijacked and used as tools of destruction for the masses. The Goal of this Psy-Op is to get people convinced that Satanism is just another option in the flavors of Unity. That the practice of witchcraft and magic is not evil and can be used for Good.


Demons understand the nature of reality. They know how dimensions work; they operate in the lower fourth and can only feed off of the fear of those people who are also within the lower fourth dimensions. 


People believe their vibrating high in the fifth dimension even though their life is falling apart around them; depression being a daily struggle, anxiety about future events, and stress about paying bills. Dealing with illness and disease. THESE ARE NOT SYMPTOMS OF SOMEONE IN THE FIFTH DIMENSION!


The Metaphysical Spiritual Community:

A collection of souls on this planet aligned to the fifth dimension are no longer trapped in the confusion of the third and lower fourth. They recognize bits of Truth in all belief systems, in the sense that all belief systems have a purpose; to be used as a catalyst towards expanding consciousness. They recognize the complexity of dimensions, vibrations & frequency, with each dimension having a unique reality all on its own. 


Everything has multiple meanings because everything is represented differently in perception within each designated dimension. 


They communicate with higher dimensional Light beings through Channeling, Automatic Writing, Hypnosis, Energy Healing, Chakra Clearing. 


They recognize that energy, frequency, and vibration govern the laws of our Universe, which are a part of every dimension. 


The Universe itself was created by a supreme being called Prime Creator. We are Creator Gods (Gods Children) who designed for the sole purpose of learning and growing through experience so that our Father could understand itself.


Public Figures within this community: Abraham Hicks, Bashar, Aurora Ray, Alexander Quinn, Dolores Cannon, King John Smarty, Althea Lucrezia, Power Passion & Freedom, Spiritually Raw, and myself (Kurtis Mercer) with my business Mercer Shift Media. 


The New Age Psy-op tells you everything is going to be okay, that where you are is just part of the plan, so you should accept it and focus on meditating, breathing exercises, and going for long walks in the woods.


But that’s a bald-faced lie! Don’t get me wrong, all those things are lovely and very important to maintain. However, if you are avoiding your inner work & what’s going on in the world around you, then the NWO are doing their job right. Because things will not be okay for you if you choose to stay where you are in the pain you are in. Each soul on this planet has incarnated to learn lessons centered around darkness to Light. The Buddhists were wrong when they tell you that suffering is a part of life. It is not only a catalyst to propel you forward towards a life of peace, passion, and fulfillment. Do you think our loving God who created us wants us to remain in suffering and lack? The name of the game is overcoming your lesser nature, the Ego mind, and the dark entities who are trying everything in their power to keep you right where they want you. 


Did you know that the NWO Cabal tells you their plans in their movies; The Matrix, in the story, mentions how humans were being farmed for their power source like a battery? Did you think that was just fiction and an imaginative screenplay?


Will you escape hell to embody The Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth?


The choice is yours, Light Worker.


Do not be deceived.


Love = The connection that binds us all together.

Light = The information that finds that connection.


Stay Conscious…

