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Spiritual Warfare… It’s Time to Fight

Spiritual Warfare: Good vs. Evil…

Wake up, Lightworkers! Warriors of God, It Is Time to Fight!


What if we were currently at this very moment in the fight for our lives?… Spiritual Warfare, Good vs. Evil, God vs. Satan. These are not cool catchphrases. This is a true reality.

Since the very beginning, humans have been lied to, sabotaged psychologically, physically, and above all, spiritually. The mainstream history of where Humanity originated is a pack of lies, evolved from primates, the big bang, random coincidence. I don’t think so!

What if there was a force out there that cunningly tricked humans into believing in these stories. The greatest trick the Devil played was convincing the world he does not exist. We have all been deceived.

There is nothing to be ashamed of; we have all sinned and done things we later regretted. This could have been a simple as a bald-faced lie to someone’s face or cheating on your girlfriend that one night at a house party when the temptation was just too difficult to pass up.

I don’t think most Humans on this planet understand how important it is to find your way towards God at this point in creation. These are indeed the end times that have been written about extensively in the ancient biblical texts around our world. Can you sense the confusion? Has the split dividing people from one another become apparent enough for you to see?

The New Earth is here. Will you align yourself to it? Or get stuck in The Old Earth.

The controllers of our world who work for Satan are trying everything in their power to keep the people of this planet fixated in fear, in wickedness; In so-called “freedom” where you have the choice to do what you want. Have you pieced it together yet? The Rebel: the person who goes against tradition for the sake of upsetting the establishment is The Trojan horse in the Devil’s arsenal. He knows all about the Ego and how easy it is to manipulate.

That’s right?! All your psychedelic, free-spirited philosophies, progressive idealism, equality for all, inclusion. They are all being used for sowing chaos and confusion in our society, dismantling our cultures and traditions; Ways of life that have been practiced for generations; The Nuclear family, Faith, a strong sense of self, part of the community. These pillars of freedom are the only things holding Humanity together.

We should be looking towards reforming our governments—giving back power to the people of the world, establishing our sovereign right to take care of our lands and live in the eyes of God. If you think The Golden Age of Humanity will create itself, you have another thing coming. We are the change we have been waiting for!

Laws are not supposed to be established to keep order. When we are fully aligned to God’s Plan, we, The People, establish order on our terms. Laws were created to keep power in check, governments, corporations. Our Justice system will return to its original purpose; supporting the constitution and returning to The Laws of the Land in every country—God’s Law. Our morality will be balanced and fully aligned to what our father intended.

The Lightworkers of the world have been deceived, souls that were meant to bring the Light of our Lord back to this planet. Fell to the dark forces lowering their vibration, turning them into keyboard warriors sharing countless memes, blabbing about New Age Movement misinformation which they found on platforms like YouTube, Face book and Google—consuming false teachings of remaining positive by not looking into conspiracies and the real evil of our world—adopting lifestyles filled with limitation and poverty disguised as humility and self-righteousness. The mentality of money being evil, and if you have it, you’ll turn cold and greedy. These are tactics used to keep the Lightworkers powerless and unable to effect any real change in the world. Our Lord wants us abundant, rich in every facet of life. That is our destiny if we choose it.

True Lightworkers. Understand their connection to our Divine Creator. They know full well there is no fear, they are untouchable by the dark forces of Satan, and they use this realization to fight with their voice, shining a light on the crimes against Humanity, becoming fully aware of those crimes. Not looking away from the darkness because it’s challenging to deal with. Embracing uncomfortable feelings because they are fully aware they will grow stronger in their resolve to continue the fight. Using their love for Humanity to help raise people by vibrating with courage, fearlessness, and inner confidence magnetizing anyone in their path.

Ture Lightworkers surrender themselves to the Lord. And take up service as a vessel for the Holy Spirit to guide them to their destiny, the reason why they incarnated to this planet, to begin with. Do not be tricked by the false light gurus and spiritual teachers. They are wolves disguised in sheep’s clothing. Use your discernment, do not blindly trust in others.

When you are aligned to our Lord Jesus Christ, you fully trust in him, and your life becomes a continuous adventure free from misery and suffering. You recognize The Christ Consciousness in you and free yourself from the Ego by being hyper-aware of the duality between spirit and Ego. You realize the Ego acted as a catalyst in helping you evolve towards higher consciousness, towards embodying The Kingdom of Heaven within by challenging you to understand what you were not.

It’s time, Lightworkers, Warriors of God, to stand up. Face the pain of dying to the old you, shedding deadwood, ridding yourself of the past to live in the present moment, filling yourself with the Light of the Lord, and walking on the path towards your Ascension.

There can be no other way to prepare for this War if you are not filled and aligned with The Light of Our Lord. You will be controlled and susceptible to attack from the Enemy. I am not trying to scare you, but prepare you and make you aware that Demons can Infiltrate into your consciousness when you are in a heavy, dense frequency of apathy, hatred, envy, worry nervousness. Demons feed off of fear. It is their food source. Know thy Enemy or be devoured.

This is the greatest fight of our lives and what we have been preparing for since the beginning. Will you choose to take up arms in this spiritual fight or submit to the Devil? The choice is yours!

