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The Ego’s Playground: The Comfort Trap

Familiarity and comfort are your worst enemies for growth. They will stop you dead in your tracks and distract you for an eternity. Both are real timewasters. These two characters are the leading players in modern society. They are addictive, and it can almost feel at times that it is impossible to quit the high.

It isn’t stressful living an easy life; your day-to-day consisting of tasks and responsibilities that sure may be time-consuming, but not much of a challenge. You know that eventually, with enough time and attention, you will complete the task. That routine might feel rewarding at first for a couple of months, but ultimately, because it takes a little to no skill to master before you know it, you have gotten down every facet.

Once you master what you are doing, what happens next? Without the engagement, your interest diminishes, and now it becomes a burden to continue with what you spend most of your time doing.

During these times, questions start to bubble to the surface of your mind.

  • What is the meaning behind what I’m doing?
  • Why did I choose to do this in the first place?
  • Is there any future if I continue along this path?

When you can’t find any reassuring answers to your questions, that’s when you begin to question your self-worth, which could put you in a spiral of despair and self-pity.

On the other hand, you were put in a scenario where you had access to a life spending most of your time in multi-faceted experiences. Where each day, there is something different to learn. New challenges to overcome and skills to master. The constant internal reward you feel from overcoming those obstacles that at first seem impossible fuels your ambition and proves that you are capable of anything you put your mind to without a shadow of a doubt.

The internal reward you feel is then expressed and manifest outwardly into your physical experience resulting in more money giving you access to even greater opportunities and experiences to share with the ones you love. Who now admire and respect you for believing in yourself. And that encourages your family and friends to follow their dreams. With the process repeating spreading around your communities and eventually the world.

The more difficult something is to accomplish, how it may not be easy at that moment to imagine, but we feel an inner calling to go for it even with all the inner doubt and worry from the reasons we come up with why it is impossible. We do it anyway. And always the outcome is better than if we chose to stick with what was safe and comfortable.

Early in our lives, we are convinced of the limitations. It is challenging to escape that mindset. To believe we know our capabilities and where to draw the line. Even before a new opportunity is presented to us, we are already telling ourselves, “That’s too difficult”, “I can’t handle that kind of responsibility”, “I’m just not that smart”. We sabotage any chance of success.

Freeing ourselves from the Ego’s grip is crucial to living our lives to the fullest truly. Comfort, familiarity, and ease, and safe are tools the Ego uses to keep you where you are.

You can’t possibly fathom what our Divine creator has planned for you. To trust in God is to trust in yourself. We do not have limitations, only the ones we believe in our heads. Once we can ignore our human and embrace our Divine nature, the sky is the limit.

