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Monthly Rhythm: Spread Your Wings and Fly

Expect a big internal shake-up this month. Life is not what it used to be. The echoes of major changes from the recent past have left some of us feeling untrusting, doubtful, and confused. As more changes occur this month, we’ll want to confront our old belief systems and overcome the limits we’ve placed on ourselves so we can escape from the cage of the past.

Be ready for sudden changes. But remember, as one door closes, another opens. Changes that affect our decisions in every way, internally and externally, will change our lives for the better if we’re willing to embrace them and take flight toward new horizons.

The ups and downs of this month are already being felt globally. But what a relief it is that we’re not living through this alone. This is a special month filled with the energy of change. If you’re worrying about having less than you did in the past, stay positive—good things are on the horizon. In the meantime, recognize that sometimes less really is more. Instead of getting caught up in the exhaustion that change can bring, focus on the good that comes with it and allow yourself to be energized by it.

With all these sudden changes, the shadows of the past will soon be forgotten, a revelation will take place, and new normals will be formed. It’s time to create not just a new vision of who we are but of the rest of the world as well.

As changes occur this month, a new sense of clarity and vision will fill our hearts and minds. These visions are created in the higher conscience, but we need to act on the impulses they generate. Seize the opportunities that present themselves.

The social dynamics of group gatherings will be a major influence this month. The ups and downs of the month will awaken the internal healing that’s already begun to take place inside of us. This healing energy will encourage us to meet up with others. Like herd immunity, group mentality fosters a collective healing. This is an opportunity to connect to groups and thrive on the therapeutic support of others.

Don’t let your ego keep you stuck on old paths that aren’t taking you where you want to go. Banish the ego’s negative influence and allow your higher self to give you a sense of direction and focus you on your soul’s intended path. Open the cage door, and as the winds of change blow, be prepared to spread your wings and fly.

