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Waking up to the Real World We Live in

Fear is inevitable in navigating through till the end of a spiritually fulfilled life here on this planet. The fundamental basis of spirituality is change, going from the idea of knowing who you are, then being rudely shaken awake into a world that shatters your preconceptions of everything you believed was reality prior.

What you were told and learned by your parents and teachers, priests, professors, politicians, scientists, doctors, news anchors, celebrities. Listening to what others tell you, whether through word of mouth or from a novel, internet column, video, movie, tv-show, newspaper, or podcast. Everything you have been told in the mainstream, from the most popular of these mediums, is lies.

Most people these days do not understand the world around them or themselves through practical hands-on experience. But they think they do. People sure of themselves tell you: “Oh yes, I know all about that. It is but common knowledge”. We are always so certain of ourselves in the public eye. But behind the scenes, people struggle to speak coherently about most things they believe in detail because it is less of a well-established belief and more window dressing; the illusion of something concrete with substance, like a hallowed statue.

So, we are left with billions of people on the planet who are only well versed in their immediate occupation; the thing they spend most of their time doing and when it comes to anything else, concerning the very core of who they are, their: spirituality, their bodies and how they function, the medications they consume, the authorities we rely on to protect us, the stimulation of things like tv & how they affect our minds and behaviour. We just put our trust in the people who control these elements in our life and make no mistake; that was created by design.

What if the people we shouldn’t trust the most are the ones who are behind the wheel of our car. Would It be so ludicrous to assume that the ones who got off on controlling the lives of others, enjoyed making lives miserable, had completely unbalanced morale’s; evil people who wanted all the power that they wouldn’t seek out those position of high esteem.

It’s a shocking thing to discover that the ones you trusted the most, loved and admired, were hurting you and the ones you love, that you were being deceived and tricked for decades of your life and had no idea. When you start pulling back the curtain and questioning everything you have ever believed to be true, that is the moment you begin to awaken finally.

You become aware of: who humans really are, superheroes with unique talents and abilities that have never been allowed to believe in those abilities, the earth and how vital this planet is, our ancestors from the stars, our family who watch over us, our inherent connection to God, how our father has given us the same gifts of creation to his children, how humanity was created initially – by another one of Gods children – higher benevolent beings, how another sibling who fell from grace sought to trick humanity, to enslave the people of earth to act as a food source through the collective vibration of fear perpetuated by wars, fear-based news, sickness & disease disguised in the food we eat and the medicines we consume.

We Wake up to the battle of Good vs Evil, how humanity has been attacked throughout our entire life span on this planet. We thought we were free, that we were in control. Sure, some people wanted power and control over others, but at least they were human. They had souls, and money corrupted them; they did terrible things, but we all make mistakes. But it turns out these people are not people at all. They don’t think like you or me. They do things that we could not conceive of tortuous, brutal, horrifying acts that will leave you paralyzed. These people don’t have souls, and they thirst for blood.

Unfortunately, the people who have been in power the ones who own and control:

  • The schools
  • The medical industry
  • Religious institutions
  • The mainstream news
  • Major governments
  • Multi-billion-dollar corporation
  • The central banks

They used their power and influence to start wars, kill billions of people through the centuries disguised as different ideologies, whose primary purpose was to annihilate the people of earth. This evil spirit has corrupted the minds of our youth, enslaved parents to slave labour, starved millions, taken land and peoples lively hoods, created wars intentionally to destroy countries only to take what remains. The name of the game, the ultimate goal of these soulless husks, is to serve their overlords, the dark entities that literally feed of our fear. We are their food source.

But the tables have turned, and we, the people are finally taken back our power from these entities. A plan is in progress to save humanity, and it is the job of each human on this planet to awaken to all of this darkness. Soon there will be much information coming out into the public eye, and people will be horrified. Humanity’s collective is about to go through the dark night of the soul, and the Light Workers will have to be ready to serve them, guide them into understanding The Great Deception, and move forward with The Great Awakening, preparing us for The Golden Age.

