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Emotional Seeds

Bottling up your feelings is not healthy, yet we all have, at some point, pushed down our feelings.  I believe that most people will just assume that these feelings will eventually disappear if they are ignored…. NOPE, that isn’t how it works, unfortunately.

First, I need to let you know that I am not a trained medical professional, nor have I received any formal training as a Psychologist or Psychiatrist.  The information provided to you was solely based on my own experiences and from my downloads received from Source.

 The Beginning

Children are taught not to honor their feelings and as a result, will put the needs of others above their own as adults.  This is how that emotional seed is planted.

Seeds of Emotional Hurt

I visualize emotional hurt from the perspective of a child accumulating as seeds that are planted. This doesn’t include hurt feelings from, say punishment for disobeying. This comes from emotional hurt from traumatic events as a child. For instance, parents getting divorced or fighting a lot. Death of a parent or grandparent, a parent abandoning you (emotionally, physically, or mentally), or guilt a child is experiencing because of blame that is put on them by a parent or themselves.  

These seeds that are accumulated can add up quickly.  The effects as an adult rely on how these seeds are nurtured. Given the correct tools, you will be able to nourish and grow these seeds to become beautiful. Some may grow a bit inadequately because the tools needed were accumulated over time, but the now young adult kept doing their best to do the work necessary. 

There are two scenarios that will be detrimental. The first is doing nothing and hoping for the best and the second is to beat yourself up because of the frustration, being overwhelmed, unsure, and have a lack of confidence because the tools you need seem so far out of reach.   

The seeds that were not nurtured grew but were completely unrecognizable. Every time regret, guilt, or any negative dense emotion was thought about, caused that seed to grow even more.  It was a field of unruly weeds. The more they grew the heavier they got. 

This is how I visualized the emotional pain that I was carrying around, day-after-day, week-after-week, and year-after-year. It was completely exhausting. My field of weeds consisted of abandonment (which affected my future relationships), unworthiness, financial scarcity, and disrespect.

This emotional pain became so overwhelming. I tried for many years to build a wall around it, I masked the pain, and tricked myself into thinking nothing was wrong. The emotional pain felt so much like a ball of tar that was affecting my physical weight and it had a string attached to my heart. 

Because this emotional pain had not been dealt with for so long (about 37 years), it manifested into physical pain. 

Emotional Pain Manifesting Into Physical Pain

I read an article from Psychology Today, April 2010 entitled, “The Connections Between Emotional Stress, Trauma, and Physical Pain”.  This article explains that when the nervous system changes into survival mode, it sometimes has difficulties moving back in a relaxing mode.  The body will begin to display physical symptoms because the body is under constant stress.

This article also explains that when an individual experiences another traumatic event, the feelings from the first trauma may expose themselves all over again.  It is recommended that when someone is being treated for chronic pain symptoms, psychotherapy should be part of their pain management plan.  More than likely, this person experienced a traumatic event.

This shift from emotional to physical pain can happen at different times and in different ways for each person. I didn’t even realize that this physical pain was about emotional hurt until I was working with a Spiritual Coach. I continued to trust the process and did the homework assigned. I triggered something because it felt as though the warm ball of tar released and was a warm thick substance flowing inside from my nerve pain down my leg. It was then I felt my body quickly and efficiently absorb. 

At that point, my nerve pain went from a 10 (affecting me all the time and very painfully) to a solid 3. I felt lighter even though it took me several more years to fully release the emotional hangover. Now, I am successfully handling this chronic pain from a 1 to 3 on the pain scale.

Physical pain can show up as anything from chronic pain to any dis-ease in the body. The most common is cancer.

How I Released the Pain

To assist with the release of your emotional/physical pain, journal every day with the intention of releasing that emotional/physical pain. 

  • Forgive yourself, any other individuals involved, and the situation.  Surround yourself with unconditional love. 
  • Visualize a blanket that represents love, safety, and forgiveness that is wrapped around you during your quiet meditation time.
  • Daily, ask God to send his Archangels, Michael (Angel of Protection), Raphael (Angel of Healing), and Chamuel (Angel of Unconditional Love).   

Journaling Prompts

Use these journal prompts to help you get started:

  • Why do you need to forgive?
  • Who do you need to forgive?
  • What is holding me back from moving forward?
  • What is it that I desire?
  • What does love look like to me?
  • What is the kindest thing I can do for myself when I am in pain (emotional or physical)?

Intention Prompts

  • I am open to receive the tools to release the pain I have been carrying.
  • I trust that Source will assist me in releasing this pain.
  • I am no longer willing to carry this pain.


