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Cover Story: Michael Mirdad


SEPTEMBER MICHAEL MIRDADMichael is both an incredible spiritual teacher and yet also one of the world’s most intuitive counselors and healers. When he facilitates a lecture, church service or workshop, it’s not like anything done by other teachers; it’s more like a miraculous experience. In a single event, you can find some audience members experiencing the greatest teachings and insights in their life, while others are brought to the deepest tears, and still others laughing from his wonderful humor. During his lectures, it is not uncommon to see angels and beings of light surrounding him or to experience deep emotional healing. He has worked as a Healer and Counselor for over 30 years and is the author of the best-selling books, The Seven Initiations on the Spiritual Path, You’re Not Going Crazy…You’re Just Waking Up!, An Introduction to Tantra and Sacred Sexuality, Healing the Heart & Soul, Creating Fulfilling Relationships, and his latest book, The Heart of a Course in Miracles.



MICHAEL: It is important for all of us to recognize that for some of us there is a calling where we might catch-on later or hear about it later or there is a shift in our lives and we say to ourselves that it is time to change our lives. For me that wasn’t the case. For me I have always been interested in the deeper things, the deeper studies, the metaphysical things, since I was a youth. And we are talking 40, 50 years now, and there weren’t a lot of people studying those things. It was interesting because I was looking for people that were interested in deeper things, but there weren’t that many people. I learned to listen for it and watch for it and when I did find someone that was interested in the deeper things in life, I probably overly attached myself to them because it was a breath of fresh air.

You know what you love you can feel it. For me with spirituality it was a love. It wasn’t a second love or a first love, it was my first love. If there was a show, which was rare in those days, that had a little more something to it, UFOs and what not, I was glued to the TV. And when I found spiritual classes I went to them. It wasn’t that the classes taught me a lot because they were beginner material, but being around other people that were into spirituality was what I paid for when I went. That is why when I heard about your show, trying to bridge people together that are in a business world or in a self evolutionary process, it is  so great to have people to get together and talk and brainstorm. If nothing else they feel a support system.

KIMBERLY: You are so right, that sense of community is so important. To find people that think the same Screenshot 2016-09-01 07.33.32way. I realize how much I surround myself with spiritual people, people who understand vibration and what not. And when I step out of my circle people think I am crazy. I forget they don’t know these things.

MICHAEL: The title of one of my books, when it came to me, You Are Not Going Crazy, You Are Just Waking Up, was a major statement. Folks are feeling something different and they are not knowing how to live it in their everyday lives. I want to emphasis that people in spiritual business should understand, you are trying to do something that has never been done before. That is why it is challenging. It is not because you are not going the right direction or that it is fleeting, although sometimes it will feel like that, it is because this hasn’t been done.

It is not our history on this planet, with rare exceptions. Like or don’t like Microsoft, like or don’t like Apple, they are trying to model to the world changes in business. There are folks like you, Kimberly, and folks like Bill Gates who are definitely trying to say, look guys, there is a way to be in business and not be in lack. And I think that is absolutely revolutionary. If anyone is listening who has tried this and found it to be a struggle, don’t take it personally. It is almost to be expected because we are the generation that is in between the old school and what is to come, which is a world of prosperity, but we are not there yet. We are the ones in the transitionary period so it is a struggle and I feel for folks.

When I started doing spiritual teaching it was 1980. How many centers were there for me to teach in? Almost zero. It wasn’t happening. There was no such thing as spiritual teachers, no such thing as spiritual tours. I stepped into a career that didn’t exist. I had to co-create a career, create a demand. Essentially, a demand that people didn’t even know they had, but they did have. Follow your bliss, follow what is in your heart. Always honor what is inside.

To learn more about Michael and his amazing gifts go to

