We’re taught to think with our rational mind, yet sometimes we overthink things. We draw conclusions from our experiences and make decisions based on those conclusions. But sometimes we get set in our ways. Being stuck in old behavior patterns makes it difficult to consider the new gifts of insight and awareness that are currently available to us. Our focus this month is on self-discovery and getting in touch with our authentic self. To do this we’ll need to be honest with ourselves and mindful of our actions.
It doesn’t have to be difficult to change old habits. We’re experiencing a lot of growth right now, but not everyone is on the same page. We may find that we’re having trouble getting along with some of the people in our lives because we’re growing in opposite directions. However, this month it will be easier than usual to use our intuition and connect to our higher mind—to a higher awareness of who we really are. We will just need a little bit of courage so we can take the necessary steps to do some self-discovery work.
We’re coming out of a hibernation and a recent drastic change to our routines. Living in self-isolation for the past few months has created a vortex of self-discovery. It has expanded our horizons and opened our eyes to new paths. It has created much needed change that is affecting us and our planet. This awareness has created a blueprint for co-creation that was not available before.
The challenge this month will be getting over any dependencies and attachments we have. It’s about being ourselves this month. But we also need to be present and pay attention to what’s going on around us. Use your curiosity and question the path you’re on. Where is taking you? Being honest and realistic with yourself will inspire the answers you’re looking for. Use your intuition to access the truth. Our intuition is eagerly waiting to connect to our higher minds as we move into co-creating by finding our authentic selves. Follow your intuition.