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Wake Up!

Coronavirus is a call to action for spiritual community. People are terrified of this thing that is so small, you can’t even see it. It has changed civilization as we know it.

This is a phenomenon that I have yet to see in my lifetime and like me there are many that have never seen this type of pandemic in their lifetimes. Here in America, we are comparing this situation to 9/11. That was a crazy uncertain time, however I feel like this trumps even that.

I must admit that was an unbelievable time in history as is this time.

People are dying all over the world. The fear is rampant and now more than ever, it’s a wake up call to healers, spiritualist and light workers everywhere.

As I survey the landscape of this pandemic and I along with many in the healthcare field get up close and personal to this virus that I have been referring to as Ronna, it is scary. The anxiety that I have experienced in relation to being a frontline worker as well as my husband is crucial.

This had forced me to examine everything I believe and embrace truths that I never thought of so deeply in the past.

So many people are not taking the precautions seriously and everywhere you turn on social media, regular media, newspapers, magazines all over the world articles and videos are detailing  these phenomena of death everywhere.

The thing for me is I don’t fear death. I fear pain. I fear loss. The social distancing is a problem. Although, I am not a touchy-feely person, I do believe in giving hugs when they are needed. That has become not a thing, so the lack of connection is troubling.

There was already a disconnect in this society as everybody is engulfed in their phones and on their tablets and human communication has suffered in its wake. But this. This is something else.

The thing that is so disturbing about it is when and how does it end. There are already so many deaths that it is taking its toll on society and it seems far from being over.

The thing that we must take in to consideration is that we must rise up and stand and step up and be the healer, spiritualist and light worker that we know we are.

We must not allow the fear to paralyze us. We have to work in our gifts and heal our land.

I am learning that there are so many people who just need a word from a human and that is free.

Comfort is a luxury at this time, however; using your gifts to help people find the humanity is necessary. In this time of covered faces, masks, health care hanging medical people out to dry and people being hateful to the essential people that work the stores where we shop; we have to stand up and bring healing to this land.  Will you rise up and be counted? Will you take your place among the healers?

