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Cover Story: Brigette Patton

Brigette is an Emotional Intelligence Guide, Author, Public Speaker and a Master Soul Embodiment Practitioner. She has blazed the trail for those who have gone through their Spiritual Awakening and are ready to embrace their Emotional Intelligence so that they can take their dreams and visions as leaders in the New paradigm to the next level.

She works extensively utilizing Emotional Intelligence modalities to tap into the energy field of consciousness. These techniques provide people with a contrive container to birth forth their authentic identity for transmutation and transcendence of their Higher Power.

Having an honest and vulnerable connection with her husband and three sons has given her the drive and desire to invite others into a reality where energy manifests intentionally with each heartbeat and level of acceptance of the self. Her role in serving humanity exists within the creation of Soul Embodied Community where the collective expression of the Divine Ideas of Humanity have a home to be brought into the physical. 


KIMBERLY MASKA:   Welcome everybody, welcome to Spiritual Biz Chat for Spiritual Biz Magazine, and today we have joining us Brigette Patton, CEO of Soul Massages, the creator of Soul Embodied Community and Ambassador for the Galactic Federation of Light. Welcome, Brigette, and thank you for being with us, how are you doing today?

BRIGETTE PATTON:   I am excellent considering these complicated times we are currently navigating through and optimistic about how we will come together in this interview to discover what messages Spirit has for the collective.

KIMBERLY:   It’s a pleasure to have you here, Brigette! Before we get to all you do now with your spiritual gifts, could you share the story behind your personal journey down the path to your current life’s purpose and work?

BRIGETTE:   Wow, that’s a loaded question! I’m not even sure where to begin… So many of my paths in life have come together to plant me solidly in my current position. It seems that depending on what “role” I’m playing at any given moment, I can easily reference a time in my life that prepared me for that direct experience. If I’m thinking about the immediate circumstances, I can say that I feel deep within my being that I have known that there would be a time in humanity when something bigger would need to be imagined, that stretched far outside of our current constructs, and that’s where I see myself coming in now.

I have worn many hats in my “short” lifetime such as a manager, a coach, a teacher… but the one that resonates most right now is a facilitator. In each position, I was given opportunities to bridge gaps in communication between “upper” and “lower” management or from employees to management or from students to teachers. It seems that I’ve always been in a role where I am assisting people with communication. I have a knack for noticing when there’s a missing link in what people are trying to express to one another. I feel it energetically. I also do this with systems, as communication is simply a system for sharing knowledge.

KIMBERLY:   How interesting and inspiring! What was the turning point in taking the steps to make your passion a business? And how have you managed to turn that into a business?

BRIGETTE:   I’ve always been a cliff jumper in terms of diving into whatever my next largest heart’s desire was. It’s how I’ve found my life to be the most adventurous, exciting, and inspirational. I am always evolving, and likewise, my business, which is my vehicle for serving humanity, does the same.

Currently, I am building an online community of lightworkers that have visions so big that they don’t know how to actualize them. This is the purpose of the community: to have a physical container for all of these energetics to come into form.

KIMBERLY:   So you have developed this exciting, successful community, Soul Embodied Community. Who and what is this community for?

BRIGETTE:   We are a community of lightworkers, healers, and leaders steeped in equality, respect, and personal freedom, and founded on a mutual desire for spiritual growth. We honor Emotional Intelligence, creating necessary boundaries, and helping people to unlock their deep inner truth.

Each member’s unique gifts are recognized, cultivated, and honed, and their individual skill set is highlighted in order to be able to serve from the highest potential in Human Design. If you aren’t familiar with Human Design and the Gene Keys, I highly recommend checking them out as they are free to explore online. Essentially, our community is here to help lift people into becoming their best selves and encourage them to find their own voice of truth.

KIMBERLY:   What can you say to those who are interested in joining on why they should join Soul Embodied Community and how they could benefit from it?

BRIGETTE:   If you have felt like you have been “doing it alone”, and you are NOW READY to bring something BIGGER into existence, know that WE ARE LOOKING FOR YOU TOO! It is a guarantee that what you are seeking is also seeking you, and what WE are seeking is FOUND within YOU!

KIMBERLY:   So beautifully said, Bridgette! Now, what do you think sets your business above other spiritual businesses out there? And what is the #1 thing that you hope for the readers to take away about becoming a part of Soul Embodied Community?

BRIGETTE:   I know that no one else is creating exactly what we have going on. We are valuing the individual and the presence they bring into the world above anything else, i.e. money, skill, mindset, etc… If the person is willing and is doing the inner work, there is a place for them within our community. There are endless opportunities of creation and collaboration occurring within the community so that people can finally come together and BUILD what we’ve felt in our souls needed to be shared with humanity for lifetimes.

KIMBERLY:   Brigette, what is your ultimate goal with your work? What is your mission? Your dream? What are some projects that are on your mind and that you are currently working on?

BRIGETTE:   My ultimate goal is to transcend collective consciousness programming that has historically created separation within humanity and suppressed natural connection to Mother Earth and in turn themselves. That is my mission through the community. My dream is unfolding by building a massive platform of creation for lightworkers to actualize their visions and creativity coming in through spirit. I am doing that through providing a structure for collaboration of teams that have like-minded passions.

Within the container, magic happens as each person brings a unique essence and flavor to the project. I find the common thread of each brainstorming session to tie it all together. In turn these lightworkers, healers and leaders are able to assist larger groups of people within their desired modalities because of the massive support within the network. It’s quite a remarkable process, and I am overflowing with gratitude to be able to provide this space for humanity to grow and evolve in. Some people have related what we’re doing  to a modern day Mystery School.

KIMBERLY:   Is there a final message you want to let the audience know? Or just any last little words that you have for them?

BRIGETTE:   My invitation for those reading this is to feel within their bodies and HEAR THE CALL. Whether it is with this community or another that they are feeling led to, the time is NOW, and there is no better time than that. No number of excuses will be accepted by your soul that will overpower your mission.

You don’t have to know exactly what it is that you want to create, we have so many pieces to the puzzle already in place, so people can feel what is resonating with them to dive into. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It doesn’t have to be clear. It just has to be an impulse that is felt and FOLLOWED in order for the thread to create a reality.

KIMBERLY:   So inspiring, Brigette, thank you for this! And if our readers wanted to reach you, where can they find you?

BRIGETTE:   They can check out the community HERE. They can book a 15-minute complimentary Resonance Session HERE to see how they might be able to fit into the big picture in joining our mission.

KIMBERLY:   Thank you, Brigette, very much! It has been such a pleasure chatting with you today!

BRIGETTE:   My pleasure as always. Thank you for having me!


