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Goddesses of Light

Greetings to all of my beloveds,

Now that we have entered into this new dimension of time and NEW AGE of light, as women we must understand that we hold the keys to freedom to unlock the divine plan for America in which we now obviously stand divided. There is a scripture in the Bible that tells us that God is not the author of confusion and that is exactly what we have in government.

As Goddesses of Light, we cannot just stand by and allow our enemies that bring war, bring the devastation that they desire to our divine land. 

This world was spoken into existence at the beginning of time and we have the same power to speak and declare our truth of how we want things to be in our current reality here on earth.  It is time for the lightworkers of today to stay vigilant when it comes to sharing our gifts and talents and stand in the face of adversity, allowing our bright light to illuminate and expose the darkness that stands before us.

History, as well as society, has been instrumental in dividing us as a nation and as a people.  There are so many divisions among us that I have honestly lost count of them all.  This is not the way.  This is not the intention that was set in the divine’s mind.  The divine’s intention was for us to live in peace, harmony and enjoy the fruit of the land.

I want to challenge us all today, to set an intention to serve humanity kindly and as we sow our seeds of service, keep in mind that whatever you sow, you shall also reap.  Make sure before you give towards serving others; that you are aware of the spiritual law of giving and receiving and that in what measure you give it shall be given back unto to you one hundredfold and then some. 

There is a powerful energy present with us in this new age and we must be mindful of that at all times.  These are truly going to be the days when we see that the universe truly has our back. 

During this dispensation of time let us not forget the spiritual practices that got us here.  Let us remember to pray every day, meditate, apply our affirmations and be conscious of what and who we allow in our sacred spaces. 

It is also important for us to honor our temples so that the divine can continue to pour more light into us as a way of replenishing us as we give of ourselves to be used as vessels of honor. 

I take this time now to salute all of you goddesses that have stood the test of time while becoming mothers, authors, lawyers, doctor’s and nurses; may you continue to spread your glorious light towards the world that we all live in and love so much.

Let us all unite in this hour and continue to inspire one another to greatness.  Let us give thanks collectively in advance to all of the wonderful days of liberty that are before us!  Namaste.

Beverly Holloway
The Inspirational Life Guru

