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Cover Story: Liza Jane Wolf

Liza channels The MVP (MultiVerse Posse), her connection to Source consciousness. Through shifting her vibration, she becomes a translator of the frequency of pure LOVE, accessing the Universal Wisdom this loving energy offers and radiating it out to others.

We share a message of understanding the nature of reality and your ability to master self-love, as a means to wholeness, that allowing you to find this place of Source love within and know yourself as Source. We share a frequency of love that will, like a tuning fork, open you up to that resonance within yourself.


KIMBERLY MASKA:   Welcome everybody, welcome to Spiritual Biz Chat for Spiritual Biz Magazine, and today we have joining us Liza Jane Wolf, a spiritual entrepreneur, who channels The MVP (MultiVerse Posse), Liza’s connection to Source consciousness. Welcome, Liza, and thank you for being with us, how are you doing today

LIZA JANE WOLF:   I am doing fabulous. I am delighted to be here.

KIMBERLY:   It’s a pleasure to have you here, Liza! The first question our readers would most likely have is what The MVP really means to you and how it works. But before we explain to them what is all you do and how you do it, could you share the story behind your personal journey down the path to your current life’s purpose and work?

LIZA:   You’re right, that is always the first question. As for how I got here, my journey isn’t too different from most peoples in the sense that I always felt like I was being guided by something more than my human self. As a child, I was very tuned into energy. I could see, hear, and feel far beyond this dimension. Like most kids, I didn’t find it scary. I found it fun and comforting. My mom, very empathic and intuitive herself, was supportive of my experiences, even though she didn’t really understand them.

I had a bit of a chaotic childhood, to say the least, and I can see now the MVP was with me then, making themselves known in the form that comforted me the most. My mom used to say she couldn’t punish me because the minute she put me in a corner, I’d be off somewhere else laughing and chatting.

As I grew older, I realized my experience wasn’t like most people’s in the sense that I was very tuned into the energy all the time and was having experiences that other people were not. Whereas they felt they might be being guided, I was experiencing that guidance on all levels possible. I literally lived in my own reality and had a hard time making sense out of people and their “real world” experiences. They’d say, “Be realistic,” and I’d think, “I am!” I didn’t understand. So, I decided I must be an alien, and I would tell my mom that my real family would be back for me someday.

It wasn’t until my teens, I realized that wasn’t the case and no one was coming. With no way to understand my experience, I tuned it out. Which lead to a cycle of what I would call restlessness, depression, addiction, and being forced to tune back in for the sake of my sanity.

In my 20’s, I befriended a Sufi named Jacob who was my age and he taught me how to go into deep meditations. Wowza! It was what I experienced when I was younger. I knew I needed to live in this feeling. I knew living was what this feeling was about. But as I was in a phase of addiction, I didn’t follow through. And about 10 years later, I was working as a hairstylist and decided to commit to my meditation practice for 40 days straight, twice a day. This catapulted me into connection. All of my senses (physical and non) became wide awake, my awareness of things beyond this world was reactivated, and I was freaked out.

So, forgetting my earlier journeys, I set out to understand what was happening. I studied psychic development, mediumship, energy work and became a practitioner and teacher of all of them. And it felt good, but something was missing. I had been working with my guides for a while. We had a seamless communication. And they finally coaxed me into sitting and opening up to the higher levels of consciousness that I had previously known. That feeling I had felt as a child and with Jacob. What you’d call Source Energy. That was July of 2017 and it has been an amazing ride ever since.

KIMBERLY:   Wow, how inspiring! What was the turning point in taking the steps to make your passion a business? And how have you managed to turn that into a business?

LIZA:   The turning point for me was that I was literally compelled to channel. My throat would block up if I didn’t. It still does that now if I go too long without sharing the energy. I knew the only way I would be able to live the life of my dreams was to study with the teachers I call the MVP. To learn and live the message they share. I literally could not do anything else.

I ended my career as a hairstylist only 6 months after they first came through to me. I knew this was my purpose for being in this human form. And if all I could do was channel anymore, well then, I had to earn some money from it. I had asked the MVP to lead me to someone to help me. I had no idea how to get my message out, or even what it was at that time. To be honest, I’ve only recently refined what it is they want me to speak on, or I should say what I wanted to teach when I came here. So only a few months later after, they came through me vocally for the first time (I’m a voice channel, not sure if I said that).

So not long after, a friend sent me your masterclass. I had been seeing a version of you in my meditations and knew immediately that you would be the one to guide me. So how I turned it into a business was by being mentored by you. And you were really the one who encouraged me to channel. I was still trying to pretend I wasn’t sure. It’s funny to think of how unsure I was then. Now it’s just second-nature to me to channel.

KIMBERLY:   Yes, what a joy to be able to help! So, you have been doing channeling work for quite some time now. Is this something that anyone is capable of doing? How would anyone determine if they can do it? Why should they even consider doing it and how would they do it?

LIZA:   Yes. Even though I only started voice channeling in 2017, I realized I had been channeling my whole life, just speaking from my perspective instead of the broader perspective of Source. And because of that, I believe everyone is able to channel. Maybe not for the masses like I do but definitely to help them guide their own life, to receive their own soul-inspired guidance.

How someone could determine if they could channel is really simple – by their intention. Simply make the choice to do it. Once they’ve decided they want to channel, they need to practice a system that works for them, a system of connection and translation. Channeling is accessing a vibration, and you need to know your own language to translate that vibration. The key is consistency. The more you align yourself with the vibration you want to bring through, the easier it will be.

With my clients, I teach them a system of accessing different vibrational levels and they create their own language to understand and translate the energetic information at those different levels. It’s really quite simple. But like I said, you have to be consistent. I think everyone should learn to channel simply to guide themselves into the best life they can live on this planet. Who wouldn’t want access to more choices and more informed choices? I like to liken it to a condo. In our human awareness, we are on the ground floor with a limited perspective. When we are in our Source awareness, we are in the penthouse and our perspective seems virtually unlimited.

KIMBERLY:   Brilliant and so true! Now, let’s go back to that number one question, you channeling the MVP… What is it? Where does this abbreviation come from and how does it work?

LIZA:   I like to laugh. I know laughter raises your vibration. When I decided I would move forward with sharing the MVP’s message, I was joking around with them asking what I should call them. I was listing off names of other channeled beings, being goofy. They said to call them what I always call them because it brought a smile to my face and created light energy. I always called them “my posse in the sky”, you know, like my entourage. I said, “We needed to clean it up.” And I knew they were multi-dimensional and multi-universal.

So, we came up with the Multi-Verse Posse. And I’ll be darned if the letters MVP didn’t start showing up everywhere. I even found stuff I owned, like an eyeglass cleaning cloth, that I never noticed said ‘MVP’ on it. That was my confirmation that I got the name right. They don’t care what I call them but I wanted something that spoke to the ease and abundance of this energy. Who they are is a bit trickier to describe. At the core, they are pure Source energy but I have the ability to access Source in all of its vibrational levels, hence the Multi-Verse Aspect. As I understand it, there is a non-physical “being” from each level of vibrational existence. Together they make up the posse.

I am usually bringing information directly from the highest vibration, but then they disseminate it out energetically to the levels that people can receive it. When I’m channeling for groups, that’s the standard way it unfolds. And if I need to bring information from another vibration, other than pure Source, I can do that as well, this usually only happens in single, one-on-one sessions. Their purpose is to bring you into the closest vibration of wholeness that is available to you. How it works is I practice placing my awareness or consciousness outside of my human being and extend it out, so to speak, to match the vibration I want to channel from. I match the vibration of Source and then translate that energy into human words.

KIMBERLY:  Liza, I know you are also an author of “Connect to Your Soul Inspired Guidance” book where you generously share some simple and effective channeling techniques. What do you think sets your book above other spiritual books about channeling out there? And what do you hope for the readers to take away after reading your book?

LIZA:   Well first off, it’s short and to the point. I’m no non-sense and believe everything can be easy and uncomplicated. In the book, I just cut to the chase and teach you the absolute basics to get you connected. The other thing I think sets all my work apart is that I firmly believe and speak to the understanding that you can go straight to the Source for your information because you are Source. Sure, if you want to stop and chat with angels and guides along the way, no problem, but you do not need any type of gatekeeper to receive the highest guidance possible. You are absolutely connected from birth.

And that’s what I want readers to take away. The knowledge that they are Source and it is only the choice to acknowledge this that unlocks the ability to receive your own personal guidance. I want them to take away the confidence of connection, trust, and authenticity that only a message they received for themselves can offer. I and the MVP, and so many other channels are only offering information to help people understand they are all they need.

KIMBERLY:   They are all they need, they are Source… couldn’t be said better! Liza, what is your ultimate goal with your work? What is your mission? Your dream? What are some projects that are on your mind and that you are currently working on?

LIZA:   My ultimate goal is to expand the message of the Law of Oneness. This is actually the first time I’ve said that in public. Now that people understand the Law of Attraction, as so many have graciously laid the groundwork for that understanding, most notable Abraham Hicks. With that understanding, people can expand their earthly experience by going further into understanding the truth of who they are. When we can truly integrate our spiritual and physical selves, live as individuations of Source, but not be limited by the belief that we are separate, we can then create from a whole new vibrational foundation.

The MVP always says, “We are the foundation from which we create everything.” They advocate a foundation of self-love. When you release the idea of separation, you know loving the hell out of yourself is the quickest way to love the hell out of humanity. My dream is to spread this message to everyone who is ready for it. I would love to fill stadiums of people and channel for them. The words are secondary to the energy. To have that many people in the energy of love would be amazing.

Right now, I’m working on putting together a channeling symposium with my friend. There’s so much great channeling out there, and we really want channeling to become like mediumship was. It just blew up everywhere, and all of a sudden people weren’t afraid of it anymore. It created a major shift in consciousness. We want that for all the amazing people that channel. I’m also working on taking my mentoring program to its next level, and I’m working on another book and a podcast. Just a few things, lol.

KIMBERLY:   And our team wishes you the best of luck and share all our love and energy with you! Liza, is there a final message you want to let the audience know? Or just any last little words that you have for them?

LIZA:   Be the love you wish to see in the world. The more you love yourself, the more love you are putting into the world. We can shift out of the fear mindset that runs rampant in mass consciousness, and it starts with you. You have to find the courage to be in love with you.

KIMBERLY:   And if our readers wanted to reach you, where can they find you?

LIZA:   My website,, and my private FB group, Soul Inspired Guidance.

KIMBERLY:   Thank you, Liza, very much! It has been such a pleasure chatting with you today!

LIZA:   Thank you. It’s been my absolute pleasure.


