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Following Your Intuition

If I had to describe how it feels to be led by your intuition, I would honestly have to say that for me it’s like the calmness of the sea.

I am a firm believer in the importance of following your intuition.  Truth is, following your inner guidance can save your life.  There have been times when I felt prompted to take a different route home and later found out there was a terrible accident that occurred during the same time I would have been passing through the area.  

Following your intuition can lead you into the wonderful mysteries of God.  The Bible says, eyes have not seen, ears have not heard the things that God has prepared for those that love him.  There are things that we are unable to see with the natural eye but learning how to follow the leading of the Spirit of God within us will take us to the hidden treasures of God.

Intuition is having the ability to make decisions without conscious reasoning.  It means to have a hunch or a sneaky suspicion.  There have been many times when I have told friends, I have a sneaky suspicion that God is up to something.  It’s just a hunch that God is working things out on my behalf.  Usually, within days some kind of event takes place and immediately I recognize it as the hunch I was unable to explain at the time.

The Spirit of God will not force anything upon you and will never manipulate you in any way to get you to follow instructions.  It is up to you to develop a sensitivity to Spirit and allow the divine to lead you.  There are various ways that your intuition will attempt to guide you.  It may come by hearing or it could be just a feeling or a knowing within your soul.  

I encourage you to begin following the hunches you receive from the divine and begin acting upon the direction the Spirit gives. Take time to write down the spiritual nudges that you receive in a journal.  This is a great way of recording things that pop up in your heart.  My intuition led me to pack up and leave Ohio and move to Charlotte, NC back in 1987.  The Spirit also led me to relocate to Arizona in 2007.  It was the best move I ever made.  

Remember, where God leads he provides and he is with you every step of the way.  Don’t allow your mind of reasoning to talk you out of pursuing the desire in your heart.  God has placed those desires in your heart so that you will go after them.  Acknowledge the promptings of the Spirit, thank God for them and trust that he will guide you into the ways of all TRUTH.


