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The 4 Main Intuitive Channels and How to Develop Them

It is often a misconception that you need to be gifted in some way in order to do readings or see and work with your spirit guides and angels. But I truly believe we are all gifted in some way. Just some people have a stronger channel or way of connecting to their higher selves than others. When I started doing Tarot and Angel readings years ago I did not see myself as gifted or psychic in any shape or form. In fact, I had no confidence whatsoever doing readings and for ages, I would only do them on myself.

Then one day a friend asked me to give her a reading and I started noticing images and pictures pop into my head, all of which related to the situation she was in. Doing this helped give me confidence that maybe something was there I needed to develop. So I started learning about meditation and how to tap into my intuition. It takes time but anyone can develop their gifts. You just need to know what your strongest channel is and in this blog, we will be delving into each one and how to develop and tap into your own intuition.


Those who have clairaudient abilities can often hear voices in their minds. But this voice is loving and gentle (if you feel that a voice is harsh and tormenting it can mean a psychological issue) and provides a sense of peace and calm. I myself am not clairaudient but friends of mine who are mentioned that they will hear certain words or be given messages. Some can also be given a line from a piece of music that will mean something to them or the person they are providing a reading for.

If you are clairaudient you may feel strongly connected to music and will often hear a song on a radio and feel like that a message was there just for you. You may also be a brilliant speaker and can provide profound and inspiring messages for others. Sometimes you might hear whispers in the background which can often happen just before you or just as you are waking up. You may hear ringing or buzzing in your ears which happens occasionally and disappears quickly.

To develop this gift you need to tune out the noise from the external world which is why meditation may be helpful. Another helpful tip I learned is to tune into certain pieces of music that inspire or uplift. Really bring yourself to the present moment and place all of your attention on the music that you are listening too. As you do this notice any images or words that pop into your mind. It might be handy to have a journal nearby so you can write down any messages that feel important.


Clairvoyance is seeing images within your mind’s eye which people often believe is to do with psychic senses but often those who are clairvoyant aren’t seeing the future but images that relate to the present. Clairvoyance is one of those abilities I connect to the most as I am very visual and as a child would often drift away on one of my many daydream adventures.

Those with this ability can be creative and have a lot of introvert tendencies as the external world can be very overwhelming. When I am giving a card reading or helping a client through a coaching session I will be given images such as seeing a physical issue that is causing them discomfort or a metaphor for what they are struggling with such as a boat on stormy seas which can mean they are struggling with their emotions.

If you are clairvoyant you are very much a visual person who appreciates the beauty around them. You may have a deep connection with nature and art. For you, you may need to have a clear plan of what you want your future to look like. If you can really hone in on this gift manifestation can become easy as you can literally visualize your future. You may also have vivid dreams and when someone is talking or describing a story you can replay the images in your mind as you listen.

An easy way to tap into your clairvoyant abilities is to close your eyes and in your mind’s eye visualize a white room with a beautiful big chair in the middle of it. In front of the chair is a big cinema screen. Visualize at first a beautiful flower. Make it as detailed as possible. Then imagine this flower disappearing and in its place is a beautiful scene. Each time you go into this meditation make each scene more complex and eventually, you will start receiving intuitive messages and guidance.

As dreams can be important it is also helpful to keep a dream journal. For me personally how I connected with my abilities is through intention. Asking for clear guidance to come through from my guides and writing down any messages I received. Also working with cards helped me so much and if you’re new to card readings the best way to learn is to pick one card a day and write down any images or feelings that you get from it. Eventually, the messages will come through with more clarity and ease.


This is another channel that many of us are already connected too as clairsentient means “clear feeling” which basically is our gut instinct. This can mean that when you walk into a room or meet a new person you automatically get a sense of who they are or if the energy of the room feels right to you or not. Clairsentients can often also feel into another person’s energy field and can literally feel their emotions or any pain points. For example, with clients, I can often pick up on if they are having health issues because I can feel the pain within my own body.

If you are clairsentient you may also be an introvert and find it difficult to be around a lot of people as you can feel drained easily. Emotions may feel difficult and overwhelming for you and it can be hard enough to deal with your own never mind everyone else’s. If you are clairsentient you can easily be triggered by the media and even movies can make you feel emotional. Heck adverts make me cry on a daily basis so being clairsentient definitely has its downsides. But it is also a great gift because you are literally a beautiful soul who is a healer and therapist. More sensitive people like you are needed in the world.

Okay, so if you are reading this and feeling strongly this is your channel then you are already clairsentient. So you kind of don’t want to focus on being more sensitive. You more need to develop how to protect your energy because doing this can help you develop your gifts. This is because clairsentients can easily feel drained.

An easy technique I use on a daily basis is visualizing a bright golden protective light around me and really breathing deeply into this space. Avoid difficult situations and images especially around social media and the news as this can be very triggering and draining. Sleep may also be an issue so it’s important to wind down at least an hour before bedtime. Relax and tune out the world through a good book, listening to relaxing music or journaling.


Claircognizance is “clear knowing” which is the ability to know something without really understanding how you know it. You may be seen as the Mrs or Mr Know-it-all but you’re always spot on. You may not fully understand how you know things and you may also be quite a grounded individual who doesn’t always believe in psychic abilities. This can be because you are analytical and good at making decisions.

If you are Claircognizance you can find complex problems easy to solve because you’re the sort of person that thinks outside the box. My husband is a perfect example of a Claircognizance as he is analytical, not into spiritual ideas or development but as the whole manifestation thing down to a T (it is very annoying from someone who is spiritual but rubbish at manifesting). He never doubts himself and just knows when he is right about something. It could be as trivial as knowing the exact date an obscure movie came out to how to provide a solution to a big problem. He is just always right.

To develop this ability journaling is a great way to fine-tune this gift. Write down how you want your ideal life to look like and then what the next steps are to get there. Claircognizant gifts aren’t always obvious but the one thing that can get in the way is your analytical mind as it may cause you to second guess yourself. If your feeling stuck with a problem the best way to find the perfect solution is to occupy your mind doing something else. I bet the solution will just hit you out the blue as this is often how claircognizance works. Then tune into your gut instinct and what your emotions are telling you.


