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5 Ways to Bring the Magic Back into Your Business

This past year and a bit, I’ve had many moments when I wasn’t feeling entirely lit up by my business.
After hitting burnout and losing the passion for my work a little more than a year ago, I gave myself permission to completely reinvent myself at the beginning of 2018. And for a while, it felt great to break free, to embrace the adventure, and to allow myself to explore new ways of doing things.

I relaunched my website, started a podcast, had lots of fun interviewing like-minded business owners, guided a group of 100 women through a 40-day abundance challenge, and tried out new ways of working with clients.

All of that felt amazing!

However, toward the second half of the year, I began to feel that same heaviness again.

Even though I was much more aligned with my purpose and true essence than the year before, there was this constant darkness that overshadowed everything. The energy in my business was stagnant, and wasn’t feeling the joy of sharing my gifts with the world.

As 2019 was coming closer, I knew that something needed to change. I consciously made the decision to let that heaviness go, and to create space for new joy and magic. Even if it meant letting go of some of the things I had brought to life with lots of hard work in 2018. And even if it meant being open to some unexpected new adventures that would take me out of my comfort zone.

And I’m happy to say that 2019 feels entirely different so far. (I’m writing this on January the 4th, but I get this feeling that this will still be true when this article is published! And yes, I already felt it toward the end of last year …)

Not only am I beginning to feel the love for my work again. I’ve already manifested a couple of unexpected sales this week, too. (With 100% magic and close to zero physical effort. Which is my favourite way to manifest money!)

Have you been feeling a desire for new magic in your business? If so, this article is for you!

Here are 5 things I did to turn things around in my business in the past couple months — and that I hope will help you create new joy and ease in your business, too:

1.   I let go of the fear of change. This entire past year, I consciously worked towards creating something entirely new in my business. But I was also still holding on a lot, especially mentally and energetically. Once I surrendered my need to create my next level of success in a certain way, I was able to release much of that heaviness I had been feeling, and new opportunities opened up as a result.

2.   I gave myself permission to feel good. In the coaching world, it’s very common to hear phrases like: “There’s no growth without discomfort.” Or: “There’s no success without sacrifice.” While I don’t disagree completely, I’ve also seen the damage that can happen when feelings are continuously ignored for the sake of getting the job done. This is especially true for empaths. I can say without a doubt that in my own life, the most rapid and lasting changes have always been initiated by a firm decision to settle for nothing less than true joy. This time included.

3.   I allowed myself to receive support. This one was perhaps the most difficult. I tend to be control freak, and opening up to receiving support can feel super vulnerable. Nonetheless, I decided to get help when I needed it, and it paid off almost immediately. Getting the right kind of support has helped me let go of a lot of the fear that was holding me back, and has opened up space to receive magic!

4.   I worked on my energy first, then took physical action. One thing I’ve learned is that physical activity alone isn’t always enough to create real change, especially if that action comes from a place of fear. There were times when I was feeling torn between several different directions, and I wasn’t sure what action steps to prioritize. Working on my energy and mindset first helped to create increased clarity, and everything else then unfolded very naturally without much (forced) thinking or doing.

5.   I got into creative mode. This may just be me, but I always find that when I stop overanalyzing and just start creating, everything begins to flow, and I naturally find my joy. Even if I begin with a step in the “wrong” direction (e.g. create a new opt-in that I don’t end up using), taking action always feels empowering, and following my bliss puts me into the right energy to initiate more sustainable forward movement. The universe then often takes care of the rest!

What’s your favourite way to create new joy and movement when you’ve lost the passion in your business? What has worked for you? Let us know in the comments below!


