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5 Signs when Shifting Consciousness

As we step into that next level of expansion, some may begin to experience some of the signs that validate a growing consciousness.

Growing spiritually and being the best version of self is something that needs to be worked on daily. Setbacks are inevitable and may be difficult to admit.  Being supportive and remembering that as a work in progress, beating the self up because of mistakes being made is unproductive.  Choosing to learn from those mistakes is the key to do better in the future.

Being on the cusp of the next shift of consciousness may result in several life areas becoming discombobulated. When it is all said and done, having that huge “A-ha” moment is something to look forward to. Understanding and embracing growth is paramount.  Accepting these shifts and remembering that when something is recently learned, the responsibility is on that person to take the action steps to move forward.

I have selected five of the signs that I regularly experience when my consciousness is expanding, and I believe these signs will help you assess your growth.  These include:

  1. Wanting to be alone.  It isn’t uncommon to want alone time.  Being able to process what is happening is crucial. Understanding your own interpretation instead of what others express to you will be less confusing.  Overstimulation may be too much, this can be eased by listening to meditative music or sitting outside.
  2. Deeper Message When Meditating.  When meditating, finding that your “downloads” contain information that has not been received in the past or that the information is more advanced and more clear from previous downloads, is a sure sign that you are expanding. Journal what is received to refer back to if necessary.
  3. Feeling more sensitive. Beginning to sense what others are thinking may happen.  Feeling the negativity of people and situations may become more apparent.  Beginning to decipher all of this may induce irritability.  Grounding and surrounding will help deflect these negative emotions.
  4. The need to remove toxic people from your life.  Experiencing signs that the release of negative people that no longer have a place in your life may occur.  Most of the time those individuals are not supportive anyway.  The Universe has a way of explaining who is not beneficial to your growth and it may be time to move on.
  5. Wanting to change significant areas in your life.  As restlessness begins to occur, the need for a new job, moving to a new house, or city/town may transpire.  This is because, like toxic people, it is no longer serving in a positive way. Before making any decisions, really look at your desires and what will make you happy.

Understanding and accepting shifts in consciousness will bring the highest possible self forward.  This will exude your light where life will be fulfilling, purpose-driven, and joyful while outshining the darkness looming in our world, today.  

