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4 Secret Ways to Get Reliable Energy Protection

Aayla is a Shaman whose brain abilities to scan and change space, aura of objects and people have been proven and published by numerous scientific studies.

Her name Shaman Aayla was passed on to her by her teacher, the White Shaman of Siberia, to help people.

She has been fulfilling this mission for more than 20 years performing rituals and seminars in 34 countries of the world. CLICK HERE to learn about Shaman Aayla’s work.

Do you like supermen? People who are never tired and sick, succeed in all activities, and are always full of optimism. Do you want to know their secret and discover your superpowers and predestination? Then get ready to recharge your batteries. Aayla Shaman will tell you how to do it. For more than 20 years, this wonderful woman has been visiting the world’s most dangerous places in order to help people. She has never even been sick with the flu, and her biological age is always 24 years old.


Our body has a reliable alarm system. If it feels a threat, it sends signals in the form of skin rashes, pain. These are the signs that our energy protection needs to be strengthened.

Pain is where there is a lack of energy. Each organ is related to a specific sphere of life; for instance, upset stomach foreshadows business problems, strep throat warns you that you are not realizing your creative potential, and injuries indicate that you have chosen the wrong way and need to focus on the other side to realize your predestination. If you still do not know what your predestination is and the reason you came to this world, Aayla Shaman has a unique gift and can get in contact with your subconsciousness to help you.


You may and need to regulate the energy level. For instance, if your telephone or tablet battery level is low, your gadget starts beeping pitifully. However, it does not mean that you need to have pity on it or take it to the repair shop immediately. It is quite enough to connect it to the energy source. Aayla Shaman explains that it is reasonable to treat your body the same way. Medicines just reduce the pain level. Therefore, you have to restore your energy level when you lose interest in life, negative thoughts attack you, and your body screams in pain.

Where to get the energy?

Aayla Shaman offers 3 available energy sources:

1.   Energy practices. These are specific exercises that mobilize internal resources of three centers: physical, emotional, and intellectual. They have to be practiced regularly. It is particularly useful to do it surrounded by your soulmates – the law of progress works, and the effect is intensified proportionally to the number of participants.

2.   Places of Power are powerful natural energy sources which have been used by people since the beginning of civilization. Such places do not open their energy treasuries to each tourist. Aayla Shaman recommends to visit them together with real shamans and spiritual persons who have maintained the tradition of communication with Local Spirits.

3.   Getting energy directly through your guide. Energy can flow from a full vessel to an empty one, and distance just does not exist for it. Therefore, if we are near a person full of energy or even think about him/her, we start feeling unbelievably good – his/her energy enriches us. And we can feel unbelievably bad if we communicate with those people who are sick, complain, get annoyed, and have hysterics – our energy transfers to them. Aayla Shaman can transfer her life-giving delicate energy as she herself is connected to a more powerful spiritual source. She can solve all health, business, love, and self-realization issues.


Your energy is always being hunted, and you must be able to protect it. Aayla Shaman is absolutely not interested in frightening you, but she knows that you have to be aware and vigilant not to find yourself in the position of a victim.

Darkness is the absence of Light, and it tries to live by absorbing your internal Light. It happens when you are made to be greedy or jealous, to accuse someone, or to express other negative conditions. When she works with her clients, Aayla Shaman is sure that each person must master energy protection and cleaning methods.


Aayla Shaman applies to those persons who have not yet mastered sacral methods and practices, and are inspired by ambitious goals related to the high level of responsibility, and recommends them to get protection and help from magical items. These are amulets that are spiritually charged by guides during tremendous rites and rituals at Places of Power.

Aayla Shaman is a holder of ancient knowledge about the use of the power of magical items to achieve the greatest goals. Such knowledge has been held by rulers since Pharaonic times, and we cannot imagine their images without specific items and jewelry. Aayla Shaman is an incredible person who does not have a house or a car as she gives all her money and efforts to charity. She gives all your money to women in need, children, and families, or supports environmental campaigns. It is her passionate desire, mission, call on the Earth! Together we can make our world better and protect it against disasters!

