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10 Affirmations for Daily Cash Flow in Your Business

About one and a half years ago, I remember being in a place in my business where I had recently created some amazing breakthroughs thanks to the mindset work I had been doing—and I was ready to take it to the next level.

I was having lots of fun experimenting with different affirmations, including some that I had found in books or received from my mentors, and I was making up my own, too.

One evening, I suddenly had the idea to channel a list of 10 affirmations to create daily cash flow in my business. My intention was to test them on myself and share them with my audience after seeing my first results.

I could immediately feel my energy shifting while I was writing, which to me is always a sign that what I’m doing is working.

As a highly sensitive person, I can typically feel these vibrational shifts very intensely in my physical body—and the energy of these affirmations felt absolutely amazing!

Nonetheless, I was surprised to see how quickly they took effect:

While I was channeling my list (yes, I hadn’t even finished it yet), I received a payment of $550 from one of my clients. And I proceeded to make a total of $4,000 in cash within the next 5 days, which I believe was the highest cash week I had created in my business up until then.

I was hooked! And I received similar feedback from my audience. A few months later, one lady messaged me saying that since using these affirmations, she had been making daily sales in her Etsy store.

I haven’t shared these affirmations with anyone in a while, but today, I felt inspired to share them with you!

If you’re ready to increase your sales in your business, I highly recommend trying these out! For best results, read them out loud daily for at least 21 days in a row, up to twice a day (e.g. before going to sleep at night, before starting your work day, or both).

Bonus points if you keep a gratitude journal to celebrate your manifestations each day.

10 Affirmations for Daily Cash Flow

  • Money flows to me easily, effortlessly, and abundantly every day.
  • It is safe for me to receive money every day.
  • I deserve to receive money every day.
  • It is safe for me to make offers every day.
  • Every time I make an offer, I make sales.
  • I easily and effortlessly attract ideal clients who are ready to work with me NOW.
  • Every time I spend money, my bank account is instantly replenished.
  • Money flows into my bank account (PayPal account) every day.
  • I receive money just by thinking about luxurious things.
  • My income is constantly increasing.

Have fun with this practice, and let me know how it goes! I can’t wait to hear what miracles manifest in your business as a result of using these affirmations.

Any questions? Leave them in the comments down below!



