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Chakras and Your Business Blocks

The 7 Main chakras are located in our subtle energy field and align from the top of the head (crown) to your (root) at the base of your spine.  The chakras are energy centers located in the subtle energetic body. They connect through pathways to your physical body and major organs. As chakras become blocked through stress, perceptions and external stressors they can create emotional, mental, spiritual and physical distress and imbalance. There are actually hundreds of smaller chakras in the body.

As a business owner and coach I use chakra scanning to assess my client’s flow and areas of expansion, restriction and resistance to meeting their goals.  Growing and supporting a business or a new endeavor is a spiritual journey. Many blocks, fears, assumptions and limiting beliefs come up that may stop or confuse our goals. Our brain and nervous system is designed to protect us and to keep us safe. Our subconscious thoughts are often creating and triggering old thought patterns that become stuck in our body and our energy field. This creates resistance and often stops us from taking action steps. This may decrease a flow and ease as we are growing our business and or taking on new goals and endeavors. An overall summary of the chakras and common blocks, struggles and fears may be helpful in understanding your energetic system. Tuning in and understanding your deeper issue and blocks will assist and empower you in creating and following through with your desired outcomes.



Crown Chakra: Represents our openness and intention to engage and attune to our goals.

Often many business owners may have an intention such as taking some steps in developing ideas, conceptions and tuning into our gifts. However when this Chakra is blocked there may be some struggles in clarity and openness. Questioning your talents, skills and goals and overly concerned about details in your life.

3rd Eye Chakra:  Represents our vision, imagination, and insight and life purpose.

Blockages can occur in trusting your gifts, understanding your passion and purpose and moving in a clear path toward the direction that you envision.

Throat Chakra: Communicating your needs and desires and claiming your authority. Defining your goal and expressing them out loud to the world.

Many business owners can stay stuck feeling trapped and disempowered in claiming their direction and trusting their gifts and strengths. Expressing what they really want and rooting that stake in the ground.

Heart Chakra: Allowing and receiving. Ability to be vulnerable and open, Trusting in life’s support.

Old wounds and hurts can be difficult and painful to release. Patterns that have not been released make it difficult to trust in one’s self and sometimes in others effecting and even developing Business relationships and partnerships.

Power Center: 5th Chakra – Willingness, Power, self-trust, energy and planning. Your capacity to stand in your truth and Power.

One of the most common areas blocked for many business owners and as growing entrepreneurs is trusting in your strengths and willing to move into action. Perfection is often a challenge since we may have been carrying that pattern since child hood. Taking a stand for being visible in the world

Sacral Chakra: Releasing Control and getting into your flow and creativity. Expressing and receiving and stepping into your passion with joy and playfulness.

Can I really express myself fully and will I be accepted by others and perhaps my family? Allowing and developing your vision to expand and express.

Root Chakra: Finances, Security and Completion of ideas and goals. Acceptance of your full expression.

It is very common for this area to need to develop allowing time and experience to set a path. Feeling safe and secure in who you are and your Purpose and Passion.

Our chakras are shifting all the time influenced by our emotions and thought patterns. Our chakras represent our subtle energy patterns and as we become more aware of tuning in we increase our understanding of our thoughts and emotional patterns that are influencing our life force and manifestation of our goals.

There are many ways to release stuck patterns and blocks in your chakras. Some of the tools I use are my intuition, energy scanning, meditation, Channeled prayer, guided imagery, EFT, Reiki and other energy techniques that help release and restore balance.



Write down a business goal or endeavor. Observe and write down where in your body you may feel tightness, constriction or heaviness. Give the feeling a number from 0-10.  Take a cleansing breath. Imagine a healing glowing light filled with grace, love and compassion entering through your crown chakra.  Imagine the chakra spinning and expanding in pure light and positive emotion. You may want to choose a word that you resonate with and need at this time such as Joy or Peace. Spend some time with each chakra until you have expanded all 7 areas. Check back in and think of the goal or endeavor. Rate the areas again and see if you feel an energetic release. Write down any insights or thoughts you may have received. Have fun with it and experiment.


If you would like receive a complimentary energy scan to learn more about your chakras and how they may be affecting your goals and current vision for your life feel free to contact me at:


